
Lane discipline in general needs to improve. If you arent actively passing, or going for the rare left exit, you need to filter right as quickly and safely as possible. Too many people just get on freeways and get in the left lane and set cruise to 80.

Not only that but as long as batteries are all proprietary to an individual car platform, its scary to own an aging electric car. So sure, if a few cells go bad they can be serviced but whats stopping another few cells from going bad in a few weeks? It would be a lot nicer if the battery just belonged to a 3rd party

Seems like a good opportunity for the aftermarket to step up and build a PRNDL stick retrofit. 

So what can be done? Requiring an export declaration and proof of deregristration before letting cars out of port? But then how does one determine that what is claimed to be in a shipping container is actually whats inside it? Do they need to do more frequent and thorough examinations of exports?

What would be a

Why does everything have to be fixed these days? Why cant this be broken down by a junkyard and sold off in parts to fix other cars?

Deflate the tires, back it up some, reinflate the tires. 

Why are government agency employees so quick to act with extra-judicious power like this when its at the detriment of someone but never to help them? 

Its to my understanding they did and presented Elon several alternate design options multiple times along the way, every time he refused and insisted they stick to the childish polygon design. 

I would still be happy with a 95-99 Neon. It would have to be a DOHC manual one, but I would still be very happy with one as a daily driver if I found one in nice shape. 

She could have reserved the hammer for his forehead when he tried to come through the window. She literally put herself out there into harms way and escalated. 

Same. And since I’ve made this comment 12pks of soda are up to $9.99 now. It hasnt even been a year. 

My genuine thought....THIS body style will never sell well. After 2-3 years, its going to get a massive cosmetic facelift and this body style will become a relic of yesteryear only to be trotted out on special occasions. The facelift will sell VERY well and become the big thing in electric trucks.

Hot Take: She could have left the window closed and stood back with the hammer. Opening the window up, reaching out into harms way (what if he smashed the accelerator while she was hanging out?) and smashing the windshield was a dangerous escalation of violence. 

I like this front bumper so much more than the gaping maw it had before. Same thing with the little “nose” on the Supra, or the giant beaver teeth on the new BMWs. 

Let insurance sort it out? Require a submission of a receipt and serial number to insurance companies to get a “discount” and then if you are found not wearing it at the time of an incident, allow the insurance company to deny bodily harm claims. 

See, I dont inherently have a problem with it, as Hertz needing to charge the vehicle is the same as fueling it. Had they just done a $35 fee for recharging it I dont think anyone would have had a problem. What I do have a problem with is the price. Extra scumminess happened to me when I was in LA for work back in

On the Jaguar, there is a chance the sensor is experiencing rust jacking, where by a small bit of rust or corrosion is under the seating surface of the sensor lifting it up and away from the tone ring just enough.

Every time I read a story like this, it feels malicious. Like some one deliberately added the charge out of boredom or something. 

I dont think non-OEM tires are the concern, its about finding appropriate performing tires that fit. Sure, those economy cheap Chinese tires will FIT but they severely hinder the chassis and could be downright dangerous on a drive axle.