
Everything is becoming a Chrysler Crossfire with these dogs taking a squat hump backs.

Oh I completely agree. I just wish there was some sort of post conviction surveillance done on these people to verify they arent driving. 

I just found a European Polestar dealer with the glass listed online. $211 for the front windows, $337 for the rear. If these Polestars have that acoustic glass, its not too terribly expensive. 


First generation neon. With a light face lift it could look contemporary. Keep it as light as possible, and as simple as possible, offer a performance trim, and an ACR package and we could have a winner.

The problem is that manufacturers are deliberately making these components non-servicable. By requiring the computerized components to do a handshake only their proprietary computerized system can do in order for the components to talk means unless youre the dealer, you cant service them.

Its been proven just taking their licenses doesnt work. Perhaps forcing them to pay for a PI to randomly come surveil them and see if theyre driving, and if caught, straight to jail for a long minimum sentence might curtail things.

$7 bags of Doritos and $8.50 12pks of soda arent helping people purchase EVs either. 

Automation paired with BeamNg + a mod that lets you import and drive the cars you made in Automation. This is exists to the wildest extent you can imagine. 

2021 Jeep Compass

Considering ad hominem attacks mean someone doesnt have a valid argument and thus tries to attack your character, often erroneously, I literally hadnt given it a second thought until you pointed it out. 

And what about the miles I drove out of state? Now I have to double pay?

It does become a security issue however when a passenger becomes unaccounted for in the airport. If they are on a late connection and miss that flight, they are accounted for. Just up and bailing out on the flight plans though? Where is this person? Are they going to come up to the counter later hoping to catch a

Want to know whats crazy? My degrees arent even assets. I cant resell them, they have zero resale value. And there is not even a guarantee that I can generate income with them.

While pristine Diablos have shot up in value recently, There was a dark period where they were sub $80k and some got real rough. I have a feeling there are enough rough ones sitting around that if a couple of these actually get built and get press, enough will get scooped up just for this treatment. 

They arent exactly “in stock”, they appear to have been a one off item Buc-ees made. 

I’ve tried to explain this to a coworker several times. If I earn 30% more in a different part of the country, to account for housing being 30% more expensive, everything else in my life gets cheaper as a % of my income. That car for sale costs the same amount whether I live in Mississippi or Colorado but I wouldnt be

There are probably a good many people out there, we’re not talking thousands and thousands, but a few handfuls for sure, who are very nostalgic over these for one reason or another and would like to recapture that. For them, this is a great car. With that in mind, this is a very reasonable price for an otherwise

Emotional support vehicles.

Realistically, the chargers and charging network should be forced to spin off under monopoly laws. Otherwise there is too much incentive there for Tesla chargers to gouge non-Tesla cars/drivers. If we want to make electrification a thing, we need infrastructure. That doesnt happen if every 5 years we keep having to