
They arent exactly “in stock”, they appear to have been a one off item Buc-ees made. 

I’ve tried to explain this to a coworker several times. If I earn 30% more in a different part of the country, to account for housing being 30% more expensive, everything else in my life gets cheaper as a % of my income. That car for sale costs the same amount whether I live in Mississippi or Colorado but I wouldnt be

There are probably a good many people out there, we’re not talking thousands and thousands, but a few handfuls for sure, who are very nostalgic over these for one reason or another and would like to recapture that. For them, this is a great car. With that in mind, this is a very reasonable price for an otherwise

Emotional support vehicles.

Realistically, the chargers and charging network should be forced to spin off under monopoly laws. Otherwise there is too much incentive there for Tesla chargers to gouge non-Tesla cars/drivers. If we want to make electrification a thing, we need infrastructure. That doesnt happen if every 5 years we keep having to

For some unknown reason, there isnt a factory store in Cleveland, TN where M&Ms are made. I have no idea why but I have a feeling it would be a heck of a stop. 

I think thats a very reasonable price for a vehicle of that vintage. Find me a nicer one at a better price. 

I worked for a VW dealership when they went “downmarket”. The problem is that instead of designing more inexpensive to manufacture and repair components, they cut costs in very visible ways that made the cars feel cheap, as though they thought feeling cheap was what made a Toyota inexpensive, as opposed to

Alabama. The thing about car culture that I noticed here that is different than anywhere else I lived has to do with color. I’m a big proponent of buying cars in colors and not just black/silver/white but something I noticed about Alabama when I moved here two and a half years ago is the alarming number of dark red

Is this why there arent cheap used cars all around for teenagers to buy up anymore, even before COVID shortages?

Q56 and a Beluga whale. That hideous bulbous front nose.

Someone here in Huntsville, AL is daily driving a 93 Pacecar Camaro. Its in a fairly well worn shape. I was actually happy to see one getting used and not just being a museum piece/wax collector in some guys garage.

You live like I do, not buying anything I cant afford to pay cash for. The difference being, I’ve financed two cars, and now just bought a house.

Obligatory Reliant Robin episode.

That sounds cheap. I think Matt Farah said it cost him about $25k? But maybe that was shipping the car to England and everything. Also, that was like, 10 years ago.

I dont understand why buying a cheap car that barely runs and learning to work on it/repair it yourself isnt an option for people. There are still plenty of 90s cars running around before electronics got terribly complicated and they have simple 4 cylinder engines. 

I hate camera rear view mirrors. Anyone who has actually used one will know what I’m talking about. SO, when you look into a normal rear view mirror your eyes barely have to change their focus to see in the mirror, its like a natural extension out the front window but behind you. Instead, with a screen, my eyes

I have a Bumper Dumper for when I go camping and a small single person changing tent that goes over it to have a nice private bathroom while camping. A 5 gallon bucket slots into the frame. I put a turkey basting bag in the bucket and a little kitty litter.

These people need to do the same.

A white Camry with a supercharger. Also perhaps some R-Compounds that have been cut to look like regular tires. Autocross style brake pads. Stock quiet as can be exhaust. Stop and swap license plates a few times at some point in apartments or Walmart parking lots.