
Thanks for that! I love things like this and the tricks developers used in the past. If i remember correctly, doom and castlevania used tricks like these by just flipping floor and ceiling sprites to be mirror images of each other so they could pack more into the game

Oh thank god, some actual legit questions and curiosity of the game. You are making the world seem a little more normal

Hey now... This is only a $180. Not a $200 controller... I dont know what you were thinking

Well thats just silly... All joking aside, I think the convenience and variety is priced in there too. You could buy a 30 pack at sams or costco for maybe 10 bux. But its mixed variety and you dont have to carry a luke warm coke around all day until you are ready to drink it. Ideally this as in a business or on alot

You can have your Army orbital re-entry jumps... Ill stay in the station eating space crayons and huffing leaks until a fight breaks out

What benefit does microsoft get out of this? This seems like a very one sided deal?

I see what you are getting at, but the vast majority of games on the 3 major consoles are third party/ports from other systems

Buh-dum stchhhhhhhhhhhbbh

I cant offer much else... But I’m sorry you had to deal with this. Just know there are 100s fold that will stand beside you for each one of these people

This is what the Streisand effect looks like in full force. The best thing the army could have done was just ignore the comments. Trolls will troll, dont give them attention 

Good one alexandra! you said bootlicking! Im a glutton for punishment and random namecalling too! Do me next! And give it to me hard!

Im not familiar with how the game industry works, but I was under the impression that most of the lay offs in the video game industry come after a project is finished, and they shut down that portion of the studio? Any one have any insight on the why reason?

Oof... Thats a quality joke right there

If you are looking for an arcade like feeling... I could see people wanting 3rd person... But its just so much more immersive stuck in a cockpit

Hopefully it has a random element to the fleet battles so they arent always poppling in with the same situations... Highly doubt but maaan... 

Yeah... The death is unacceptable... Regardless of the past crimes.

Yeah! i got a cherry blossom bonsai tree!

This is where demos need to start making a comeback... demos with ads, then option to go premium or freemium on the side

Is that "Ken-doll ass bulge" or  "Ken doll-ass bulge?"