
Walmart in the past couple of years has been upping its game in quality and appeal... I dont know how it does by employees, but they were looking pretty wretched until recently.

Buh-dum stchhhhhhhhhhhbbh

I cant offer much else... But I’m sorry you had to deal with this. Just know there are 100s fold that will stand beside you for each one of these people

This is what the Streisand effect looks like in full force. The best thing the army could have done was just ignore the comments. Trolls will troll, dont give them attention 

Good one alexandra! you said bootlicking! Im a glutton for punishment and random namecalling too! Do me next! And give it to me hard!

Im not familiar with how the game industry works, but I was under the impression that most of the lay offs in the video game industry come after a project is finished, and they shut down that portion of the studio? Any one have any insight on the why reason?

So they Definately shouldnt have banned anyone solely because the Streisand effect was easily predictable to be a factor here... If anything this is a failure in the public affairs teams in not addressing how to handle these situations. There is always going to be some group of people that try to ruin a good thing...

“War is not a game, and the Marine Corps’ decision not to engage in this recruiting tool should be a clear signal to the other branches of the military to cease this practice entirely.”

I feel like im in one of those up scale clothing stores at the mall when im listening to this lol

Oof... Thats a quality joke right there

If you are looking for an arcade like feeling... I could see people wanting 3rd person... But its just so much more immersive stuck in a cockpit

Hopefully it has a random element to the fleet battles so they arent always poppling in with the same situations... Highly doubt but maaan... 

Yeah... The death is unacceptable... Regardless of the past crimes.

Not sure what you're getting at but thank you for the pics?

Good one dude... You really showed him with that one!

Literally didnt stopped reading the article the second the author called guaido a a puppet.... Came down to post something along the lines you did... But you have done a much better job then i could ever have... Thank you

Its honestly like those individuals in the early 1900s yelling get a horse..

Honestly I was shocked to read 0 emissions request... Not even half... But all... I get being upset in the pandemic... But that's a 10 year political problem.. Not an immediate risk to respiratory failure problem

Meh i wouldnt compare it to that... I’d compare it to the dude that entered boot camp 4 weeks prior to 9/11 then realized they’re about to be in the shit.

Just got the phone a week ago... Im loving it... Screen protectors are hard to come by though... Best part about the v60 dual screen right now is t-mobile is doing a buy one get one currently that DOES NOT require an activation of a new line... So two 900$ phones for the price of one!