Aint it? But honestly I do genuinely enjoy your input and appreciate the timeyou took... hope you have a good one!
Aint it? But honestly I do genuinely enjoy your input and appreciate the timeyou took... hope you have a good one!
Here I'll give you a star to prove that you won something today
interpret it as inaccurately as you wish to
Sorry random internet citizen... like I said... I cant please everyone, and it’s looking to be like that’s the case with you. I will continue to use their because its a-gender specific... especially if it relates to someone that has switched genders or sex, etc just to avoid confusion...
Didnt miss it, because I dont have time to research exactly what pronouns people want to use... so I exclusively go by last names and "their" to avoid any confusion as to who I’m talking about... sorry if that problem is what prompted that remark... but hey I cant please everyone, so no sweat off my back
Good question so yes manning was commuted... but this is a matter of withholding information from the government about the association of criminals that manning has willingly approached and gave information to... now manning is well within their right to remain silent, however again because manning doesnt like the way…
No prob man- recalibrating now...
So incase you people forget what this kid actually did, because it wasnt mentioned once in the article...
This amount of delusion makes me lol
So, Matt Lowne Is pretty famous for his KSP vids with real world descriptions. In his videos, He used music that youtube provided for some of the background music in his videos. Long story short, Youtube didnt renew the license on that music that youtube was supplying to content makers, Then immediately demonitized…
iti guess it would depend on who it is... if you are doing it for the kids, then I think it's good to go... another adult or kid in highschool that understands, then I'd leave it alone
Sounds more like a porn studio
I like that this was done, but there also needs to be alot of discretion when doing this, such as how long ago were these people actually active (insert other croteria) also it could turn from hunting bad guys to possibly persecution. Do we start applying this to people with pedophile records, felonies... How bout…
Ppretty sure it said all the booted members were guests, not hosts
I agree with what you said... however... who actually burns dvd’s nowadays when you can just chromecast straight from your browser to the tv... Thats just not efficient at all
Honestly though... if you have a smart phone, laptop computer, connected car, etc... you are still part of the police state... regardless if you own ring or nest or not
Settle down nelly... sony will get kicked in the nuts... just wait... and the dumb dumbstruck that stole these works and bout to learn a lesson if they haven't yet
I normally go at these things as well it sorta looks but not really, and have faith that the artists just had similiar thoughts while createing... but damn... a single coincidence is one thing... but clips/ frames matching for 15 seconds on multiple occasions in a 4 minute clip... ugh... that's no bueno
Said all that came across this otherworldly beast... alas only the beast would remain victorious
Daughter deaf and blind here... if I remember correctly the optic nerves connect to the rear and bottom of the brain near the rest of the spinal cord... so I dont have a great answer for you but it would like be a “well it depends if” answer likely requiring that part of the brain to be removed...