
Now that’s something I didn’t know... that sounds about right for an NES game though

Ive recently made the switch to PC only... I’ve had a home built computer for years but did 50% of gaming on ps4... since the steam link came out and I was given the ability to play on the couch... the ps4 has picked up dust outside of being used for watching dvds... if only my PC could be as small as a ps4 now and

Wait people still play this?

I mean we did send Dennis Rodman of all people...

I have that sandwich maker. packers unpacked our stuff when we moved back from over seas and this little thing was in it. the thing is AMAZING. literally 3-4 min and you have a fresh breakfast sandwich. not to mention you can throw most of it in the dish washer for an easy cleanup.!

I have that sandwich maker. packers unpacked our stuff when we moved back from over seas and this little thing was

No joke, battles this size could legitimately be a resume bullet point for those in charge and the wing/squadron heads following their lead., you dont have to put eve online in there, but “organized movement and strategic positioning of over 6000+ pieces of equipment and personnel” +”resulting in an estimated 1+

Now i was literally wondering how a political statement was going to some how make it into the thread and... well I’ve been proved wrong... it somehow happened....

PSA: You can use the $200 airline credit to purchase giftcards... IE if you aint flying that year much... Get the gift card and save it for later

PSA: You can use the $200 airline credit to purchase giftcards... IE if you aint flying that year much... Get the

Honestly with him saying, Well yeah its a hundred bucks, but what else am i going to spend it on” doesn’t sound like an addiction, it sounds like he wasn’t taught the basics of financial management and planning... Yeah sure he may be prone to addiction or even actually addicted to it... but it also sounds like there

You do, and currently your vote is in the lead! I just respectfully disagree with the way things are done. But honest question here... If you are already personally paying for my gamble, why do we need to pay for insurance? why not cut out the middleman and have hospitals subsidized by the government the way schools

I like it!

Yeah and I’m not 100% going to say “HEY WE DONT NEED A MANDATE,” because 1.) I’m not omniscient and have my own biases. 2.) Refusing to hear other options is downright bad business and foolish 3.) there are valid arguements as to why we should need a mandate. | But I lean that way, because I want a chance to be able

No! Unfortunately a neighbors dog snatched him up about a year and a half ago... poor thing!

Well atleast that way i wouldnt have to bring my own toilet paper to work anymore( that’s actually a serious statement)! But in all seriousness, The government would save SOO much money and improve the military funding not by increasing it, but by auditing all the contracts we have out there and weeding out those that

I’m more along the lines of not wanting an individual mandate because I rarely ever use health care much less go to the hospital. Does it mean Im always going to be healthy or be able to pay for it??? no (itll probably bite me in the ass)... but without a $500 health insurance bill, I could put that money towards


As much as I love bossk... if hardly say he’s the most iconic. The general population wouldnt remember him at all! Most Iconic characters for star wars are arguably r2, boba, Vader, jabba and chewy. BB is getting there but in a few years after the next movies. Bossk is amazing in the EU, but hardly the “most” iconic

Nice to hear the fixed wing side of this. all of us rotary guys are all about terrain clutter and masking in order to sneak up on some dudes with AIM-9's or AGM114's for the punks on the ground

Well I’ve officially lost the bet on if the first major Tesla recall was going to be a battery issue or not... I’m actually shocked at this!?!