
cant really get the whole pizza metaphor... I see where you are trying to go... but if you accepted a pizza from a delivery guy that you did not order... I would call you unethical... sure its the pizza mans fault... but you didnt order it... this dude did order his xbox...
Guess a better way would be: Pizza company

during the beta, most matches would eventually have the building fall, but only after 15-20 min of fighting it out up there. There were some 30 min matches that i had that the tower never fell.... depends on the group of people you are with.
if you can control the point then you need to defend to weak spots... but if

because they live in america and they have to right to sue for fun

Hey now, it brought firefight, something many of friends an i have spent COUNTLESS, hours on... The story i agree about being trash,

Thats not completely enforceable... many isp buy IPs in bulk from one location. Ive had a norfolk ip address up in rhode island before just from the isp discretion. Not to mention most people dont have a constant ip address

Youd be suprised, those kids at the us air force academy USAFA refer to the school as ooh-saf-ah...

sorry... I didnt realize 100 other people also told you what I told you... bet your inbox is MIGHTY repetitive right now

as any programmer would know, sometimes LONG nights are involved in looking for bugs... or even to go out for a run at lunch... BUT any good office should have a shower room...

True! I rarely use the rear view mirror because i opt to look back most of the time... however this would SUCK trying to look around your blind spots

takes 1 person to start... i bought it back when it was 5 bux, couple of friends came to my dorm room asked what the hellbit was... i said i dunno but addictive as hell... now i dont know anyone who doesnt have it... once one gets it, the others will... besides im sure youve spent 20some odd dollars on something

People have broken arms, ribs, lost fights, all because they don't release the energy slow enough. Its the difference between 30-0mph in .1 sec and 30-0mph in 1 sec... less acceleration,
remember what physics taught you. Force = Mass * Acceleration.
Mass aint changing... so the only way to lower the force is lower the

Thats way too much. I got my 04 Mini for 19 back in 04 lol... this is ridiculous

yeah, but a hovering helicopter to keep a birds eye view of things and the holocaust are pretty much polar opposites... its no different than a news chopper or a police chopper taking a look... This isn't even a violation of human rights

he already has my money... now i just have to find out how to give it to em

i have said this every season, though i rately watch it. its either that or the trainers in kanto were straight up sheltered and didnt know the basics to battling. which could be true, i mean they only knew of 150 back then and the other regions have used these other pokemon for "centuries"

awe.... that just made me shed a tear

guess youve have never been deployed or stuck on a ship for months at a time.... all military personnel will probably cross this off their list

that may be because he has a higher GDP than most countries lol