
I'm way more impressed by the Cherry Pop-Tart reference, frankly…

Maybe you should have asked her about aspect ratios?

Good gravy
Is this guy riding a long-term schtick where he says idiotic things in order to keep himself in the public eye as a provocateur, or did he really pull out his big rock and roll sausage in order to prove to a Williamsburg neophyte and an effete Swede that Ringo Starr is the epitome of the rock drummer and

Inasmuch as zombies are all but incapable of expressing complex emotions, I'm guessing the answer to that is yes.

I would have liked to have heard his take on working with Brandon Lee on Showdown in Little Tokyo, though.

I don't see a milkshake in the room.

Overstrike - what does it signify?
Sorry if I missed this, but does the overstrike in your list of songs you didn't listen to mean that you deleted them from your hard drive?

Good episode
This seems like the best episode yet. Each one of the characters became a little more human and less two-dimensional, especially Krazy-8. But the DEA bro-in-law actually showed a little feeling, too, caring for the kid (albeit incompetently), and was also shown to be talented at his chosen profession

I like this album
I've been enjoying this despite my natural desire to seethe with impotent hatred every time somebody uses a "z" where they should have used an "s". I can definitely see the Kim Gordon parallels with their female vocalist, which for me is a good thing.

Gah, stupid commenting system ate my response, I think. Check your local retailer, I saw 18.5 in there two weeks ago. Don't see it on the Fantagraphics site, though.

It's almost besides the point praising Ware, since he's so far ahead of the game, but I will just say that Acme #18 is incredibly good and that it also takes him a good deal beyond the sad-sack / numbed-out characterization that has really held him back in the past.

This movie was OK…
…but it didn't really have the gripping intensity of Comic Sans.

I saw them live in 2007…
…and I had absolutely no expectations of anything remotely good, but they surprised the heck out of me and played an awesome show. Novoselic didn't seem to have any particular rock star thing about him, which was nice. Best part was the crowd which kept shouting "faster! Play it faster you

Chris Ware
I know it's not the most exciting thing to add to a "best comics" list, but Acme Novelty Library #18 came out in October 07 and is incredibly good even by Ware's high standard of work.

Overall Miike's original is pretty weak sauce, but there is for sure a huge element of parody that creeps into the final showdown scene, basically mocking the popularity of J-Horror itself.

I think you mean the best of 2003?

Everything except transparently bullshit marketing attempts, apparently.

I'm not really sure what you're apologizing for here. The format of the column is so obviously subjective that I'd be shocked if anyone used it to form some sort of "official AV club canon" list. Just write about what you're interested in, it's worked pretty well so far.

I never liked Seinfeld, and found all of the premature hagiography in its final season to be incredibly annoying, so I know where you're coming from. It's only in retrospect, having recognized the black-hearted nihilism that's at the heart of Curb Your Enthusiasm, that I'm beginning to enjoy what I pretty much

Silver Fox
I have to admit that as I inexplicably continue to watch this show I am starting to enjoy it. I think it's as much out of a sense of schadenfreude as anything else, which if you're writing a show aiming for super-realistic relationship stories is probably the best you can hope for. Another factor may be