
It's all about getting an heir and I don't think adoption is quite the thing there.

Yes!!! Have you read this? [] Particularly this part: "So when our food money arrived, to avoid multiple trips to the grocery store and burning shitloads of gas that we couldn't afford, we bought our entire month's worth of groceries all at once and stored it like fucking squirrels. When you do that,

Now playing

EXACTLY. I was never on the Madonna train (liking Madonna in the eighties was not cool for wannabe punk rockers) but I officially began DISliking her when she kept talking about how fat she used to be. I remember particularly when Mtv was doing some anniversary thing (I think maybe their tenth anniversary? I don't

I remember when Rosie O'Donnel, after 9/11, went on a tearful rant during her monologue for her show where she was talking about calling her celebrity friends and asking them for money for the survivors/clean-up. And most of them were like, how about I donate a nice something you could auction off? It was also when

I don't hate either of them for anything but Sinead O'Connor struggles with mental illness and so when she goes off like this, I worry.

A distant family member of mine who is born again (think Bachmann crossed with the Duggars) once reassured me that I, as a Jewish person, did not have to feel bad about killing Jesus because it's really the Roman Catholics who have something to answer to seeing as how it was the Romans who actually nailed him up. I

Word. My sister and one of my best friends are WAY into fashion and makeup and not coincidentally, they're both visually artistic in other ways. My sister designs greeting cards and my friend is a professional home stager. Why wouldn't they also like to decorate themSELVES the way they decorate other parts of the

And he knew she was wasted but did it anyway. My friend who's a tattoo artist won't tattoo drunk/drugged people period.

haha — win!

1. Nowhere does it say that he is buying it for a lady friend who is in need of it because she was getting busy with him.

Remember that Ms. Stodden was 16 when she got married and didn't know her "boyfriend" (who is older than her dad) for nearly as long.

Yeah, this guy is an idiot. As a representative member of Gen X, I officially kick him out. Also Spike Lee is a member of Gen X and I'm pretty sure that he's going to sign off on this.

There was a time where my rabidly liberal and feminist mom was a registered Republican because she wanted to vote in those primaries NOT because she embraced Republical values. In other words, I want to continue to live in denial about Buffy.

That happened to my sister. This was the eighties and she used the ZZ Top video girls as her fashion inspiration. She was in a UDF (like 7-11) and a woman approached her and asked if she was interested in taking a couple of tricks of her hands. (My sister was with a friend.) My sister had no idea what "tricks" were

We are also transracial adoptive parents (white parents, white bio son, black daughter) and I know that if my daughter had remained in her black family that they would be talking race and racism so we talk race and racism. My take is that my privilege makes her more vulnerable even though I know that many of us white

I looked just like Carol on that show right down to the nerdy glasses and so I *loved* her. When the fat jokes started I took it personally, too. And quit eating. Thanks Seavers!!!

This happened to a woman at my old La Leche League meeting. She had two small kids plus the baby and her husband traveled all the time. She came to a meeting telling us how exhausted she was and the leader discouraged her from letting the baby cry, telling her to hang in there. I was a hard-core "never let the baby"

My grandfather did this to his kids. He dropped them off in the middle of the California desert because they were bickering. An hour later their uncle found them walking along the side of the road. My grandfather knew their uncle was following them but they didn't.

I exercise and I don't have a trim waistline. How about we see images of healthy women period?

I'm not a teacher nor do I play one on TV but I can see your point about talking to a kid who tweeted that. Only what I would say is, "Hey, folks monitor the twitters. Don't say anything you don't want to defend. If you're comfortable defending it, that's fine." I do think kids today (them crazy kids on my lawn with