And then here is the bulk of my farming area. I also have the gatherers, hunters, and fishermen supplementing my food. Although I'm hoping my rapid expansion of houses fixes it, I'm going through a wee bit of a population decline that I need to focus on, as well as making a fancy new graveyard.
Ah nice! This is my city, to the right you can see some farmland, to the south is another piece of land I will expand to, and I'll show you a picture of my farms!
As long as you know that a dead village isn't a loss but a lesson you're good to go
There it is :D
Whats your population at? Also if you're looking for a challenge do the Mountain Men achievement or just make a map that has the hardest settings on the smallest map.
Yea, while maintaining resources my seem easy now, when you get around 1k pop it becomes much more difficult to play. Keep at it! And my tip is to always keep surplus food production, ALWAYS :D
What was the most population you had?
I just want to make a spanning village and farmland, I don't care if there's a number next to it.
It sucks that I refuse to buy the DLC, but god this game is can be pretty damn good looking if you get in to the cinematic side of it
"Brevik believes he is better behaved than most prisoners" Do we count the 77 people he murdered?
I need more pictures of female skiers asses. For science.
Nobody was asking you to quit your job and live on a protest camp in the middle of the city, nobody is asking you to go outside and hold a sign, and we're not trying to force a bumper sticker on to your car.
Do you honestly think this is about CC numbers and addresses? Do you know what the political landscape will look like in 20 years? Are you aware of what's going on in Ukraine right now? Now imagine if the government had a comprehensive list of every single protester.
Nobody knows what the political climate will look like in 20 years. Imagine if the Ukrainian government had a full list of the protesters.
Which brings me right back around to my first post in this thread "You're right! We need more people like you doing nothing! In fact, you're doing better than nothing, you're actively discouraging people from doing something!
All I wanted was to rekindle my love for the Sim City franchise.
Eh, you went from "It's pointless" to "It takes a really long time" to "If it's not murder it doesn't matter" to "You can't change the government" to "You're just not trying hard enough". By now it's anyone's guess what your actual point is.
So your first paragraph says the issue isn't big enough to care yet so we shouldn't care. And if we do care then we are shitty people and the world is hopeless (as opposed to being a shining beacon of apathy like yourself).