Rice boxes! Man, that’s a blast from the past.
Rice boxes! Man, that’s a blast from the past.
Except that there is a good reason. To understand, viscerally, in your own body, what “want” and “need” and “lack” feel like.
That actually IS an option, you know. You’re absolutely allowed (and encouraged) to engage in works of charity instead of giving something up - because you’re giving up your time.
But probably good for the fishmonger.
Same except Strand of Oaks. That Radio Kids song breaks me.
Some percentage of that 90 percent may glibly say to you “oh I’m giving up drinking/chocolate/refined sugar, I’m going to lose so much weight,” and they may not necessarily be sharing all of their thoughts about the religious meaning of what they’re doing, or the prayer intentions/charitable giving/ other spiritual…
Oh sure. Nobody said most people in any religion actually hold to things. There’s a reason I don’t do Lent, and it’s because I don’t think I could do a 30 day fast of anything in good faith (har har).
I can’t believe I’ve suddenly found people who know what I’m talking about! For ten years, people have looked at me funny when I mentioned the “Lent cardboard boxes” and most people I’ve mentioned to have been at least nominally catholic.
I was raised Catholic, and this doesn’t seem to be the standard anywhere else except at the church in my home town, but during lent all the kids got boxes, they were called milk boxes (?) or something. We were supposed to give up something, and put the money we saved from not having that thing, in the box. (My…
I’m not going to say “shut the fuck up,” more that you (and the people you’re talking about) are missing the point of Lent.
Shrove Tuesday. A religious holiday I can get behind.
Thank you. They need to ban this person’s IP address.
I wouldn’t waste your time with the OP. He’s a troll. One of the many incarnations of TomatoFace. Second result in a search of his name tied Dirk van Dooren to tomatoes.
Critics argue that, even where Emanuel’s strategy succeeded in the short term, it undermined the party over time. One of his winners, the football star Heath Shuler, of North Carolina, would not even commit to vote for Nancy Pelosi for Speaker of the House, and was one of many Rahm recruits to vote against…
you can’t be serious Dirk...that is a terrible remembering of what Rahm Emanuel is.
All of that doesn’t excuse the man from his part in covering up an execution by the Chicago police. I don’t dislike Emanuel but I have a great deal of disdain for his obvious moves to protect himself from political blow back.
Among his special projects was helping to pass the North American Free Trade Agreement and the 1994 crime bill. He also tried to push Clinton to the right on immigration, advising the President, in a memo in November, 1996, to work to “claim and achieve record deportations of criminal aliens.”
lol fuck off.
Rahm is a tremendous figure on the national and local level.