I don’t have a relevant comment, I just wanted to note that you seem to bear a resemblance to Courtney Barnett.
I don’t have a relevant comment, I just wanted to note that you seem to bear a resemblance to Courtney Barnett.
It’s probably just some [briefly tries to think of a grammatically correct plural version, fails, thinks “fuck it”] Hicks.
Counterpoint: promiscuity is by definition undiscriminating.
she a sub, 100%
Yah I’m ready to believe any number of unkind things about her but not that.
“body by KFC” :)
Rhymes with Tight Blouse Fommunications Pirector and Fleenwich Bative.
Hannibal Lector.
That is not normal. Ever.
More like Ho Hicks amirite?
Also: copyright gets a cool little circle around its superscript and trademark’s just gets hung out there bare ass naked.
Maybe he’d’ve reacted better if they’d’ve done an original black movie instead of an all-black reboot of the original all-white Black Panther.
Cohen’s not a wartime consigliere.
Imagine how silly they must have felt when they figured that out!
Your comment was fine, the flaming in response is out of bounds.
For me the relevant angle is the ongoing support from evangelicals.
This is why evangelicals are giving DT a mulligan. If he’d paid the hush money with a personal check there’d have been serious moral qualms, but his lawyer paying it makes everything cool.
Who do you think pushed meatless Fridays in the fist place?
Our church does it too, and has for as long as I can remember.