I thought that was the site they visit to try and hook up with Tom Brady lookalikes.
I thought that was the site they visit to try and hook up with Tom Brady lookalikes.
Havarti is the king of cheeses and all other cheeses bow down before it.
Jenny Kellner seconds your opinion. https://www.upi.com/Archives/1990/09/28/Women-sports-writers-across-the-country-Friday-defended-their/3834654494400/
“Try again.”
US gymnastics, MSU president, board, athletics, burn it all to the ground and salt the earth.
Yeah I’m a Browns fan and I don’t much mind the Pats because they make the Steelers cry, but this dude really isn’t helping his team’s cause.
FWIW, I read somewhere it’s a security thing (too), that no one can poison his food if it’s ordered on the spot from a fast food joint.
As it turns out, character DOES matter. You can’t run a family, let alone a country, without it. How foolish to believe that a person who lacks honesty and moral integrity is qualified to lead a nation and the world! Nevertheless, our people continue to say that the President is doing a good job even if they don’t…
Certainly not evangelicals. http://splinternews.com/1822225274
And back issues of Forbes.
At least his irrational fear is at the top of the food chain. If he was terrified of plankton we’d be fucked.
“There is an answer in the Bible for every issue. And if he just follows that, we will be blessed.” https://www.rawstory.com/2018/01/trump-evangelicals-tell-msnbc-his-racism-is-contrary-to-christ-but-he-can-still-help-criminalize-abortion/
“But can you give me some specific, concrete examples?”
Since the principals in this story are a Hall of Fame caliber legend and an active player who embraced the city while displaying remarkable levels of excellence and sacrifice, I’m sure Boston fans will find a way to boo both black guys.
TFW you realize Mad Magazine called it 40 years ago.
He’s crazy, and we have a system in place that theoretically allows for the government to eject crazy people, and the Republican majorities in Congress are making no effort to engage those mechanisms. There are going to be a lot of, ahem, good Republicans who will be remembered as being complicit with his craziness.
Also: 239 pounds my ass. “Exactly 1 pound below the clinical definition of obese” is the tell. Dumpy Donnie is well on his way to three bills and anyone with a pair of goddamn eyes can see it.
lol same, friend. http://adequateman.deadspin.com/1822179581