
One completely unsubstantiated allegation, and one picture clearly meant as a (tasteless) joke where you can’t even be sure there was any sort of contact.

Well said.

reason out whether or not he deserves to be booted from his job.

I’m just an internet rando but at this point I’d recommend:

Yeah and take two minutes out of your entire lifetime to learn how to locate the clitoris. Sure it’s not just popping out there like your dick, but that’s what thumbs are for.

The idea of “ladies first” as a way for dudes to make sure they had a steady supply of sex available to them wasn’t necessarily as loudly championed as it might be today

What’s that?

Yeah, people aren’t mind readers. “Here’s what I like. Do this.” (With consent obvs.)

The ones who don’t get that are the worst lovers. You have to prioritize your partner’s pleasure, and your partner should reciprocate. Great sex doesn’t mean both of you are in the throes of ecstasy the whole time, though it’s very nice when that happens. But sometimes you need to just focus on your partner, and

Thanks for outing yourself as a troll so quickly, this is a real time saver.

People lose their jobs all the time.

(Just in case your comment was sincere: It isn’t, unless I made the luckiest guess in galactic history.)

Mark Hamill is looking damn sexy as the grizzled Jedi.


Re: the last part of your comment, the “more in disappointment than malice” tone produces the absolutely sickest burns.

Also: Elnashai is Vulcan for “harasser.” 

Seems like we need to figure out a way to quarantine the impact of sexual assault and harassment to the perps only. I’m thinking of things like House of Cards shutting down, Louis CK’s FX series getting canceled and something like this. When the accused is in charge of significant economic/business activity it

I’m a Yank and got to know an Aussie when we were both far from home. I acquired a taste for it - which took a lot of effort! - but now I love it. Hard to fine over here though.