So basically if a woman makes a stupid sexual choice in her early twenties with a much older male in a position of power over her, we can use it to attack the credibility of her beliefs in perpetuity? Sounds like slut shaming to me.
So basically if a woman makes a stupid sexual choice in her early twenties with a much older male in a position of power over her, we can use it to attack the credibility of her beliefs in perpetuity? Sounds like slut shaming to me.
someone I’m friends with on facebook responded to a comment like that with “there is a “Dear Black People” film. It’s called Birth of a Nation”
Starfire was NOT always like this. This is Scott Lobdell's creation and has little in common with the character Wolfman and Perez created other than some basic background and name. Perez does not care for the rebooted Starfire at all. Here is a summary of an exchange between him and a fan/blogger:
Yep, and the article actually says there's nothing wrong with her skimpy costume because "adults can dress how they want." But the old Starfire had emotions and relationships and action and stuff, not just a sexiness that consumed her entire personality.
it's not about the cloth and to have a sexual life.
"Of course the child is going to pick up on this disapproval, imitate it, and say it right back to her mother during the interview, that's what kids do."