
This is SUCH a loaded& complicated issue. For me, personally, I've never been asked out by a black guy. But there are a lot of reasons and ways in which these things happen. Part of it is media conditioning/what we're fed as "attractive." Part of it is the circles you (choose to) move in. Had I focused on finding

*violent...I can't even go back to edit it now :(

That's so awesome! What a wonderful way to use his skills to help someone in need. (Also, why don't more people get medical assistance after being the victim of a vilent crime? Just pondering)

I approve! Yup, no shoddy performances accepted!

Hahahaha!! I'll vote for #2 ;)

Maybe it's a correlation =/= causation thing? Mine came in during college, maybe the age women start the pill& the age their boobs increase are close/they start the pill first& assume it's those hormones?

It IS one of those scary stories, but in the version I read, it was a green ribbon...and she didn't take it off until she was really old. I don't think there is a moral...

There is no culture of rape hysteria. There is a culture in which women are told that their rapes are really just regrets, there is a culture in which women are told that street harassment is really just misguided compliments, there is a culture in which sexual harassment is seen as "boys being boys." I will grant

Actually, your math is wrong. If you take the chance per year, 2.1/1000 or 0.0021 and multiply by 80 (I estimated life expectancy), you get 0.168, which is pretty close to 1/6 (0.1667). So the average woman, based on today's statistics of 2.1/1000, still has about a 16% chance of being raped in her lifetime, should

Okay. I see what's going on here. You are talking about the chance per year, not the chance within a lifetime. Sure, most rapes are committed by acquaintances. And the idea of a rapist being a random person who jumps out in a dark alley is off. But that doesn't mean that it isn't incredibly prevalent. The CDC reports

Thank you! I'll absolutely remember this, it has definitely seemed to be the case several times. I've been working on me a lot, not specially looking for anyone, just trying to be the best self I can be/"complete" myself.

I know I needed to hear it now. I have a tendency to give chances and not contemplate what I really want/need. So it's reassuring to know that it isn't worth my time to keep giving people who aren't what I want more of my time.

This is some wonderful advice!!

I think you are both right. It isn't real life, in the same way that news isn't an accurate depiction of crime rates. Certain things will be overepresented, and some will be under. But what generally holds true is the nature behind it. The shocking part is that there are people saying these things, in 2013. It is true

This is probably due to your perspective in the scenario. It is not uncommon for men to feel that women hold the power in dating because men are told by society that they must pursue, and women accept or refuse. So against the backdrop of heterosexual relationships, I can see how you would feel this way. But try a

Your summation of these stats is incorrect. A 0.47% chance of being a victim of violent crime from a stranger. Also, way to ignore the 1/3 rape statistic. It's absolutely true that people we know are generally far more likely to perpetrate crimes against us than strangers. But every woman alive has spent her entire

I'm not sure if this is worth it, if you truly don't believe in rape culture, but it's just another facet of the same thing. A woman dressing "a certain way" is still not conforming to be a "good girl." Just as a male prisoner is not a "good man." By not behaving as society says they should, people tend to either

I think the story here is that prison rape is part of rape culture. And that rape culture says that it's okay to rape certain people, because women or men who don't behave as they should "deserve" to be raped. And this is wrong. But it is all part of rape culture.

I think it's a little bit of both. Doing less with the ends of your hair means you don't get as much breakage (so all the strands max out at terminal length), and locs mean the hair that is shed stays there to add to the length.

Thank you! It always makes me feel vaguely uncomfortable, but I couldn't put my finger on why, I just always change the radio when it comes on. I'm glad its not just me.