Because women's clothes don't have pockets or only have tiny pockets. It's not that we don't love pockets, no one wants us to have them. Buying a purse is a little easier than installing pockets into clothes that didn't come with them.
Because women's clothes don't have pockets or only have tiny pockets. It's not that we don't love pockets, no one wants us to have them. Buying a purse is a little easier than installing pockets into clothes that didn't come with them.
I agree wholeheartedly! I was trying to say relatively similar things (kinja refused to publish them) but I think the fear of entering the "male" space in a gym is more to do with actual bodily harm than entering the "female" space of yoga. I also think that there are less women asking men if they wouldn't rather do…
I think that's her point exactly. Go ahead and say things that will turn people off, because if that's who you are, they will find out and be turned off eventually. Why not do it before you have several awkward dates? Basically, she's advocating ruthless honesty, because if it turns off people who think you are crazy…
I'm going to call the the "Mr. Darcy effect" after his first (failed/insulting) proposal. The real message behind this is "you are beneath me, but I am so awesome that any crumbs I throw at you, framed in any manner, should be enough to make you grovel. It's not like you generally get any attention from people as…
Being a teenager and being a politician/running for public office are not the same thing. Although it *may* be used against you as a teenager, this basically does mean that the person you sent the pics to is unscrupulous. As a politician? Sending pics to anyone but your SO? You are unscrupulous, and the tabloids are…
I couldn't even watch past about the halfway point. Saddening and sickening. This is just NOT RIGHT.
Interesting, hah. I agree with the inferiority/hyper masculinity idea. The whole "argument" that says that women must be careful and protect themselves from men treats all men as barely in control of themselves. Black men are assumed to be out of control - by being stronger, more virile, more "manly", they are…
This may be the only conversation I'm up to having tonight, because it's tangential. The short answer is the fear of retribution for a history of oppression and slavery. As far as I understand it, the fear all comes out of the slavery system. There are several narratives, including blacks being more animalistic and…
Personally, I think it has something to do with growing up in the era when it was cool to wear mens-style cargo pants and a baby-doll tee...I really wanna wear one of these, with, maybe a full face of makeup and a bow in my hair. Because I'd enjoy the contrast...although, if I ever cut off my hair again... Basically,…
If she's trying things on her own, why are you even there? There are lots of lovely toys out there, if you aren't contributing anything to the fun....
I think you're misunderstanding consent here. If your husband knows that you like drunk/high sex, or has your (sober) consent to drunk/high sex, and you have his, then do what makes you both happy. Since she didn't know the guy in advance to say she had previously consented and intoxicated/inebriated people are…
But...that's like having one, or even several awful boyfriends, and then deciding that all men are dogs, and must be treated as such. Learning from your mistakes doesn't mean taking out the mistakes of past people on future people. It means learning to read the signs better, and maybe working on your self esteem. Not…
Can't be for C-cups...everything fit all wrong when I was a ordinary v-necked tee would be scandalously low-cut...I just don't think they are made for real people.
This. I think it's the general cut of shirts - perhaps they are modeled off of not-very hourglass shaped mannequins? I have a ton of shirts that either fit in the chest/shoulders and look like burlap sacks everywhere else or that look a little too tight overall because I hate that floating thing they do. It's like no…
Are other strains potentially cancer-causing though? I'm assuming that there is some missing info in the above story, but also a lil curious
This strain of HPV (16) is an STI, I believe. But other strains cause plantars warts, and other things, so it is possible to be exposed at the age of 5 or 6. I just don't know if it would be a strain that would cause cancer. But there is a lot of information missing, so...
Wow...I'm sorry you had to live through all of that. I think I'll have to disagree about what the dominant ideologies are, I know very few feminists who actually hate men. I think the problem is that you don't quite understand the structural privilege that men have. And by this I mean the fact that there are still…
I'm sort of low-poo, I mostly don't use shampoo, but I workout and sometimes I just feel that need for shampoo. I don't think the shampoo-free days make it too much more greasy, but I've never washed my hair super often anyway - natural hair and all. I've also always had to add moisturizing product/occasional buildup…
Understandable. The part that bothers me is that they haven't licensed it to more companies, or allowed for other people to do different tests. I understand reagents and actual tests being proprietary, but the actual sequence being proprietary does not sit well with me.
I agree about ranting by people who don't…
I think it might depend on if the patent expired before the therapy came out, and if you were doing any breast cancer specific therapies. If your therapy was tailored in a different way, it might be possible, but I'm not any kind of an expert on patent law, so I'm not 100% sure.