
I hope they reform as SchmayPoint and release a podcast supported by Patreon. They have enough fans surely it could give them some independent money.

why is “play stupid games win stupid prizes” the de facto phrase of every braindead bootlicker

counterpoint: who gives a fuck

because as demonstrated by “quarantine” sites like 4chan, having a community encouraging and sharpening each others racial hatred is how we get lone wolf mass shooters.

even if that is true, and I am not seeing anything online that corroborates that, that is not why Nintendo decided to ruin his life.

bowser did nothing wrong


especially weird because RE4 for Gamecube is right there and Dolphin is on Steam now so it’s literally one of the most accessible old titles.

I promise they aren’t paying enough for the pollution they caused.

it should be illegal to dump this garbage on public landfills. this shitty plastic company they should be charged by the pound.


he’s 16 and in high school

haven’t seen gurren lagann, but it was so detailed and so creepy I would buy it being a thinly disguised author’s fetish situation.

vtubers are a scourge

got that yoshi grip

kill la kill needs to have a massive disclaimer that 2/3rds of the way through, a mother will commit an incestous act of abuse against her underaged daughter, ruining the tone of the entire show. fucking awful surprise that was.

“transgenders" go fuck yourself

yes, however, in retrospect their model is considerably more ethical then what currently exists.

they pay really good money for what they use so they have a huge weapon making scene. it used to be every sale of an item on the marketplace earns the artist royalties. 

stillbetter then overwatch