
how is it the players fault when the systems are designed specifically to exploit the dopamine response in the vulnerable?

the carefully tuned psychological pressure to entice children and gambling addicts to spend money, however, is not optional.

Attempting to rope your players into a gambling addiction should exclude any game from a “best of” list.

CRUELTY SQUAD deserves a spot for its pure brazen artistic statement.

I don’t know about you, but I would much rather be someone who has experienced the artistry of actually playing a game through a cracked console, versus someone who owns a lot of colored paper and plastic.

No that was full aggressive snark ty for asking

But it will always feel like a photocopied sticker album if you don’t have the real games with boxes.

Would really love to know what kind of dark shit Disrespect was getting up to that led to him being banned without comment.

TLJ was the only worthwhile Star War past Empire send take

if it wasnt for garbage rewards, how could these live service apps incentivize problematic whale behavior? it’s not as if they want you to play the game without spending hundreds.

I’ll never forget getting detention in 6th grade computer lab for flying to new york and making a quick stop....

bad boomer comedy wants to get measurably worse news at 11

Obviously it exists in a legal sense, but beyond that? just a modern fiction we invented to get profit from it.

the one extremely good thing China does, yeah.

no one you know, and no one who worked for blizzard, is a stockholder in a meaningful way. we are all just peons crossing our fingers for small windfalls, while the true power lies in massive equity and investor firms.

Oh for sure, stay out of jail, but legality is not the same as morality or “justice

that doesn’t exactly make it normal or good, though.

weekly reminder intellectual property doesn’t exist and you should operate like it doesn’t as much as possible

away from keyboard. an old slangterm from IRC/chatroom days to indicate you were stepping away

please...I beg you...stop giving money and playtime to live service games. they aren’t fun, they are just designed to trick you with manipulative psychological tricks into thinking they are fun—to the point of incentivizing players to not play the game in order to achieve a perceived fun.