
it’s kinda been the case for a while, sadly. I can’t remember the last interesting or unique AAA game I’ve played in years. closest would be...DOOM I think?

the CONTENT had to connect with more CONTENT otherwise the audience may not CONSUME MORE CONTENT

more power too you, it’s just something I can’t adapt too. anything requiring fast movement or aim feels like I’m trapped in an iron lung when I use a controller.

imagining trying to move around and aim with a controller stick in Apex is making me feel slightly ill

More like Tony....leave it.

honestly, yeah. it was a pretty cool concept with a shaky execution.

what is the “tone” of Heathers, I wonder?

they are really going to have to prove that this is a more worthwhile game then Vermintide.

I’m starting to get the impression that Destiny is less of a game, and more of an addiction or job. I can admit, I just don’t understand games-as-a-service from the player perspective.

MTG:Arena is a pretty great way to spend the time if you enjoy the boardgame itself. I’ve reconnected with friends playing it with them.

I’m not kidding when I say, that as a person with a physical disability who missed out on the entire Wii era...this has me feeling some sort of way.

he never fucking misses

The terms “silent generation”, “boomers”, “millenials”, “gen X” come from a series of books written by Republican staffers William Strauss and Neil Howe. They offer broad prophecies and stereotypes, based on an unverifiable psuedoscience theory, that people with a birthdate from X to Y date believe specific things,

those lessons you learned about keeping your president accountable? don’t lose them.

Generational data? Sure. There is undoubtedly cultural trends and mores that are unique to cohorts within a generation.

The “broader trend” is a pseudoscientific one promoted by a consultancy firm that they use to sell books and seminars. Birthdate is not destiny, and it is farcical to pretend otherwise. You are literally buying into a simplistic advertising scheme.

Who is “they”? Do you really believe that the impoverished boomer who has been on public assistance most of their life is responsible? How about the person of color who didn’t go to school because of institutional racism and structural inequality?

not at all affected by an entire generation falling hard for the tenets of trickle down economics.

yes. that is true, but it is due to how wealth is accumulated, and how our government has been controlled by the wealth aristocracy.