
a bloo bloo

an american football/basketball version of Football Manager would be pretty great. Seems to be more of a Euro phenomenon in the mainstream though, these heavy simulation games.

I like the analysis of games as service and the spooky implications of the technology at play but... this ain't a review of the game, really. 

sounds like Mario Galaxy might be finally accessible to people with disabilities? Pretty fucking Nintendo of them to pull the only accessible version of it after a limited time offer.

you coulda just said “yeah I don’t know either” and left it at that

last I played, red decks were pretty goblin heavy, so I’m hoping for a thematic kobold deck with this expansion :) 

if I could recreate my antics playing as a chaotic neutral kobold, I’ll be quite happy

Joining an organization dedicated to destroying countries and lives abroad, so you can backpack in Germany, is not a good thing. 

what threats are they detering

if it stops one kid from dying, being maimed, or suffering PTSD in the service of the US was worth it.

Fun animal crossing fact!

excuse me, Rocket League is not silly, it is deathly serious. The threats I receive from my teammates against mine and my mother’s life for the crime of missing an aerial speak to this fact.

Now playing

different strokes then. I like upbeat psychedelic music quite a bit when tripping. it energizes my thoughts.

my takeaway from this is that I could really go for a cheese beef bowl

recruiting their impressionable 14 year old fans to become online warriors for their billion dollar company is so. fucking. gross.

some of the artier and indie movies from the late 90's/early aughts do hold up, but you are absolutely right about the Oscar bait movies. remember the accidentally super racist anti-racism movie Crash?

is everything aping R+M now?

totally understand.

having his name dragged through the mud by absolute psychopaths has nothing to do with “fame”

Parasocial relationships and the toxic behavior it enables is truly wild