
Oh! Very nice. I assumed you meant the Criterion streaming service, but you have a lovely physical collection.

any good criterions movies? great choices on blue velvet, btw. one of my favorite lynch movies.


i cant believed you committed a hate crime outside graham’s house. i want him to come to me now.

pretty quaint compared to the modern MTX whale hunting.

are you familiar with how expansions work or are you newer to gaming...?

sure, but, considering the time it takes to even know you are infected, its not likely

it’s a full game with a story from the sounds of it. just built on xcom 2 engine far as I can tell

expansions seem to be coming back in force, though. xcom 2 is releasing a new expansion pack next week, Paradox regularly releases substantial expansion packs...

no, like, games the product should make money. I’m referring to the games recession that happened ~2006 when they weren’t selling quite as much as they are now, and they raised prices.

remember when his mild monetization plans made gamers around the world cry out in anger every time he was mentioned?

exactly! :) 

i spent 10 bux on an italian beef and fries, and as good as it was, I doubt it was better then this.

managing known rng is part of tactics though

please dont travel for fun for like, the next year or more. its such a good way to reignite the pandemic.

I’ll miss my custom GI Joe action figures from the first one, but I’ll always be down for some polished turn based strategy. Between this, Battletech, and Mechanicus I got a lot on my plate :)

rapists are similar, yes.

so? that’s very clearly not his point

golly gee, what could be the connection between the rise of livestreams in realms outside videogame playthroughs and livestreams being used by churches

certainly their most criminally underrated