I know this is really, really difficult for some people, but
I know this is really, really difficult for some people, but
if a strategy is so obnoxious that you are essentially required to have a specific card...that’s bad game design/balancing
Duh. But obviously she isn’t saying she doesn’t understand the game. She is saying this is a bad design.
it’s a bad sign when you agree with the “um ackshually” nerd in the scenario
Jeff Epstein is Missing
more of a technocratic capitalist state like the US if anything.
do, fucking, not, tell me all about your favorite characters sword and what it’s name is and how cool it is.
This is super good for people with movement restrictions or limb differences. I’m super excited and may need to import this.
libs gon lib
Thank you for making me feel considerably less old, because this reads like a boomer piece, lol
oh word?
I watch twitch, like twitch, enjoy twitch....and this made me quietly despair just a little.
Seeing limp football refs makes me really wish for more European football refs. You don’t fuck with those guys.
gee what a coincedence. a show has it’s workers unionize, and the corporate fucks cancel it.
I kinda prefer the G Man not blinking. I distinctly remember that adding to the mega-creepy vibe at the beginning.
It really read more like a boilerplate Vice article then a thoughtful Kotaku article. Just...not the best.
I jinxed myself, because I had a 10 minute signal stoppage a mere 2 hours after writing this post, but it was the first time in a long time that I can remember.
Chicago has a pretty stellar subway system. The only gripe is the occasional aggressive panhandler, but overall it’s a great system.
Automotive and Oil companies literally conspiring against and destroying the light rail systems in our cities is one of the greatest crimes against humanities ever.
love seeing my boy jadon sancho in the promotional screenshots.