
i guess i am a dumbass one bc i don’t mean to be one. i think the idea that a person found not guilty would then profess their guilt in public a decade or so later is ridiculous. he’s not a saint and he may very well be a sexual predator or have been or been an idiot young man who did something very wrong. but i think

One thing is oh I got a little to drunk and I hooked up with a guy/girl. Another thing is getting a train ran on you while your passed out. Nate Parker should be a sex offender

This is not like the UVA situation at all. It’s pretty obvious - given the conviction of his roommate and an eye witness statement from someone who refused to participate in the rape - that Nate Parker raped this drunk girl.

In my experience most guys were like you and your friends. What I think has changed is that now we all agree that those predatory douchebags are actually rapists. Hopefully that makes it easier people to intervene when I guy tries to take a drunk girl home.

I think “rape wasn’t considered rape back then” is the reason the court did not convict him. I do think that a court would view this case differently if it happened today. The law didn’t change, but people’s understanding of consent has changed for the better. The article has springboarded commenters to ruminate on

Jezebel can be incredibly regressive, in really unexpected ways. There was an article a few years ago about a sex educator who live-blogged her abortion, and the vast majority of the comments were about what a stupid slut she was and how of course they totally supported abortion but dirty whores like her shouldn’t be

Well, that’s what she stated. The DA’s office is saying that’s not true.

These situations aren’t comparable in terms of what can be practically expected. The social capital that Kobe wielded as a very successful pro-athlete plus the different response (then and now, in many circles) to athletes versus anyone else accused of rape are quite different than those of a newly-famous filmmaker.

I would absolutely disagree. I remember having conversations about such things in the early 90s. It definitely wasn’t unheard of, but something that people just didn’t care about/respect.

Because the charges are never ‘two sloppily drunk people’ participating TOGETHER. It’s almost always an unconscious woman or semi-conscious woman laying there while a man removes her clothing, takes his erect penis out, parts her legs, penetrates her vagina or other orifice, and thrusts until he pleasures himself to

As much as I understand that the courts are fucked on this issue, I’m not comfortable with the idea that someone found not guilty must be judged as a rapist anyhow forever and always.

I’m also that age and as a male if a girl was really drunk, we took her to her room and made sure she was going to be safe with hopefully her roommate or someone else was there to help. They didn’t have to be pass out drunk.

He was cleared of all charges and he feels he didn’t do anything wrong. At what point does he actually become not-guilty?

I was as well. However, I went to Antioch College. Right around the time I started atrending, they adoped a sexual offense policy that required consent at every step of the way during an intimate encounter, you literally were required to ask first and get verbal consent before kissing, before touching, before every

Thanks :). I really hope I didn’t seem too frustrated in my post. I see many, many, may people saying, “he might not have known. . . .” and I think it’s something that many reasonable people say/think (including myself).

This is the issue I’m having.

I’ve woken up, as an adult, a couple of time with guys I don’t remember even meeting, much less agreeing to go back to their place and have sex.

The other side of this is: if drunkness absolves us, then drunk driving is no longer a crime.

Several years ago, Deadspin had a post that talked about the Bryant case and the apology and what it meant. The consensus was that the victim consented to some acts but not others. Hence, the super careful lawyer language.