Exhausted From Yelling

I’d like to take this moment to thank the universe for allowing me to be born into a family that is not completely and irrevocably insane. I consider it the single greatest gift I have ever received.

To be fair, we all wish that

I dont think he world is laughing, I think they’re scared. 

I mean, we can have more than one pop star. It doesn’t have to be some weird fight to the top contest.

My Dad wouldn’t vote for HRC because he was worried about how she would deal with North Korea. I do not see how this is better.

You just KNOW it was more about “letting people at Mar-A-Lago see how cool and important he is” than it was about actual national security. “Ooh looky me I’m president doing president stuff!” (Meanwhile Bannon pulls out a literal camera to hold over classified docs while Toddler In Charge smug mugs for the camera).

Wasn’t pills but yeah rough timing.

Looks like you picked the wrong week to give up pills.

He’s the neighbor who complains about a woman leaving the house in a skirt above her knee. Meanwhile he walks out to get the paper letting his open bathrobe show his little dick to the whole world.

Next jackass who tells me Hillary was a traitor because she might not have been perfect about her emails gets ripped a new one.

There is a seriously good chance that this motherfucker will get us all killed.

Every time I think “this time they’re going down” nothing happens! Pussygate, white supremacists, not releasing taxes, not divesting himself of his business interests, the infamous dossier, the Nordstrom tweets, hell all his tweets! The Yeman raid, the insanely unprofessional behavior of Spicer and Conway, the horror

I was reading that other story tonight about Prime Minister Abe and the Korean Missile test wherein Trump and his folk were spreading classified documents across the dinner table, using cell phone light to illuminate them (provided by Bannon and at least one other person) and the waiters just sort of came and went

But the worst thing is that he actually doesn’t know shit of politics.

Now playing

I am a 46 year old Canadian. I have a wife and two kids. I was 13 when 99 Luftballons was a hit. When I was 15, I was terrified that the Persian Gulf Crisis would spill over and create a nuclear conflict. My parents talk about the Cuban Missile Crisis and have more than once, said that they seriously debated bringing