Why don't you just buy a six pack next door and throw it in the cellar?
Why don't you just buy a six pack next door and throw it in the cellar?
As a male, I enjoy watching it simply because of this. I'm watching a TV show about young people in NYC, not GURLS IN NYC WOOOO that can't go anywhere without making it specifically about women. Its totally relatable for all parts of the gender spectrum.
Its girls and workaholics.
dad jokes all day.
Most places in NY have it now, especially with the gluten free craze. But cider is seriously lacking in the US, mainly because we are so beer and whiskey crazy.
I recently lost fifty pounds and then shaved my face for the first time in years. I can tell you, its very weird...
Black hoodie works for black tie right?
I'd honestly be scared to ask him. The guy fucking falls multiple times and is completely out of control and keeps doing it, I'd be scared the man was mentally ill.
I highly doubt that the whole thing was drugs as it would be really hard to dose. Basically one cup would be the difference between roofying and death. Also that would be an insane amount of GHB.
The doublespace will die in the next generation. For now, MANY people who do it are young people being taught to do it by old people. No one in the current generation will teach it to their kids.
I'm a twenty something, It was taught in like third grade for me, and then never mentioned again. I remember just switching eventually to one space because no one else did two.
In terms of hype, yeah its pretty big. Future sales? Who knows.
Where do you get a kid focus from that... It looks similar to borderlands, which is definitely not a kids game.
Nah, jackets. Patches, studs, chains, straps, all upgradable and unlockable. Now THAT would be awesome.
Considering theres no leveling components or MOBA elements shown in the video, I'm going to lean towards TF2. But basically every character has spy or engy like abilities.
Splatoon off the top of my head. But yeah I think this is a bit of an exaggeration.
To you maybe.
Penis size is very not okay. First of all, everyone's going to lie, most guys don't know exactly anyways so even if they don't lie its useless. Cup size at least I could see and guess normally, its not like I'm walking around with an erect penis everywhere and you're just wondering if its a 9 or a 10 incher.
To everyone saying this wont work- have you met everyone of your coworkers SO and children and see them regularly? Because I haven't...
I think it also causes them to be more focused on their work and use their time more efficiently so they know they have their work done so they can leave.