Once you start getting emails from linked in and your boss, it'll automatically create that station. I'm joking but not really.
Once you start getting emails from linked in and your boss, it'll automatically create that station. I'm joking but not really.
100% this. As a male in a men dominant industry and an at will employee, even if I had parental leave, there's no way I would be able to take the whole thing without being very scared for my job security. I feel the same way about the sick day point, in that the women would be expected to stay home for those days…
Its the equivalent of the author who gets angry at english teachers because they think everything is symbolism.
There's a scene in broad city where her roommate's boyfriend throws out her bed bath and beyond coupons because they are "expired" and she flips a shit. I thought it was fantastic.
Well fat and protein keep you satiated for longer... if anything the carb laden PB, ketchup, etc are what the problem is (or you know, the bread)
Yeah that was worded awkwardly
Were the policy there when he stood in front of her? If that was the case, it seems pretty hard to argue stand your ground if the policy are gonna grab the guy in five seconds.
When did I say that?
Thank you for confirming my statement below
...Exactly. Saying something is a mens job is saying it isn't a womens job. Pushing women away. Keeping good jobs for men...
Well half the restuarants in here are apparently located in a mexican lumbermill, so yeah it ends up being a whole process.
Thats pretty much exactly what they did. The problem with this idea is that if you're gonna go for shit like this, you're sure as hell not getting it from pizza hut...
Its less pizza and more "I want dough and fat in my mouth NOW for CHEAP" I know a lot of people who order just for the cheesy bread and deserts and such.
Saying that good jobs are mens jobs is just as dangerous as saying bad jobs are womens. Both shoehorn people unnecessarily.
Domino's has a successful mobile app for ordering pizzas; Pizza Hut doesn't.
I remember it being pretty solid. I love edmund fitzgerald, such a fantastic beer.
mowing the lawn, builder, fixing things, plumber, mechanic, carpenter and being a tradesman
Magic cards have actually retained their value well. Especially for irreplaceable cards like black lotus.
Or you could just trade it for multiple later edition/worse condition lotus' and play with those.
Adding beer/wine to any meat will make it delicious. Fact.