Yeah, thats the thing with the relagation arguement. It makes no fucking sense for an unestablished league. How can you even get new fans in big media markets if the team is in the shit league?
Yeah, thats the thing with the relagation arguement. It makes no fucking sense for an unestablished league. How can you even get new fans in big media markets if the team is in the shit league?
I guess I am mistaken, I had heard differently.
I should have just called it "A Nintendo" instead
Considering they cut Ice Climbers due to technical limitations, I think that 8 player will never be possible on the DS.
Yep. Same as the defensive lineman who gets winded running back a fumble for a TD. They don't train distance because 99% of the time they're running in 5-10 yard bursts.
Except the scrappy gym rats, yeah.
Yep. If you notice, they still haven't booked a hip hop artist, which is a direct result of not offending the old fogeys.
Absolutely. Thats why I said they'd have to have a hit, another "pretender" or "everlong".
This is the most likely of all the "My favorite white rock band should play!" but is still probably never going to happen. I could see foo fighters if they somehow manager to pump out a hit or two in a year.
I mean, I KNOW why they wont let him play, but it would also be one of the greatest half time shows of all time. It would be a goddamned spectacle.
If metallica came on, half the country would turn the channel.
Best soundtrack around.
I'm pretty sure arkham asylum and its ilk aren't either...
most James Bond games that aren't Goldeneye
RHCPs....agreed to cede the stage and support Bruno Mars is beyond me.
Oh boo hoo, the NFL didn't pick dad rock or (insert my favorite band here). Seriously guys, just accept that its gonna be pop groups because all the rock bands either aren't relevant anymore or popular enough. I'm just holding out for Kanye West next year.
I would argue prince, but yeah he was pretty good.
Too bad greys are still here to stay.
Obviously thats not what happened, but it goes to show how the only thing the spammer achieved was making it easier for jezebel to become an feminist echo chamber...
Can we talk about how difficult it seems to get followed? I thought the approved system was in place to prevent easily created spam burners, not to make it an elite group of commentators. Gawker Media has not been consistent about this at all, and now its just turned into "always show pending" because it takes so long…