
I’ve played both and I love both.

Oh yeah, that’s right. That was the only good thing about that spell.

We’ve talked of a weekend in Colorado just to do the weed tours and check out the edibles. We make butter sometimes and that really brings out the THC it seems. I have friends who have friends who know a dude who’s got the med card and sometimes get some primo stuff, but not often.

And why the fuck my comment is still grey after all these months of posting is beyond me but it’s starting to piss me off.

Detect undead was good for detecting vampires among the common folk. And Tenser’s was good when you had to carry LOTS of loot, more than you could before becoming ‘encumbered’.

Let’s hope it’s nothing trivial.

Sportball guy things he’s the coach of domestic problems. These guys must think the world revolves around them somehow. Shut up and throw your ball, skippy. We have adults much smarter than you o the problem.

I’m still getting average no-name weed from local entrepenuers. . It gets me high, but it’s harsh shit.

California gets all the nice stuff.

This article is why I almost always over tip. And will hang myself from the rafters in my garage if I ever had to be a waiter.

Excuse me but Sandler has zero to “answer” for. What a typical Melinnial headline and point of view An actor ( a terrible un-funny one)making money off of people with no taste is not something to apologize for or explain . Sandler can smirk all the way to the bank if he wants and I don’t blame him.

I got it, if no one else did. ;)

Anime is the name of the demon that posseses people and makes them create shitty animation. In more ancient times he was known as “Hanna-Barbera”.

I knew I loved her. The A vs P was visual slop, made for teenage boys.The Alien trilogy was smart, interesting. I’m so glad she said this.

Depending on the weekend, where I am at, and whether or not I have a ride home I can be all four at various times of the evening. That’s why I stick to weed.

Activate nerd boner...

Yes. Some think these businesses went up due to the owner’s blood, sweat and tears only. In fact, that business depends on a whole lot of things that taxpayers paid for. Like sidewalks, and roads, and police protection, firefighters, ambulence service. All of these were paid for by taxpayers of all varieties, white,

It only SOUNDS condecending to you becasue you’re stupid. So, don’t blame Obama.

Also too, who the hell do I have to blow to get my goddamn comments out of the grey? Is there a process or what?

Ok the cat was sleeping and therfore got in that flimsy assed contraption by mistake. What’s the humans ‘ excuse?