
Even with Arnold in it I’ll still give it a try. Sounds interesting.

The great thing about this classic game is that if people don’t like the current expansion,. when the next one comes out things change and sometimes dramatically. Every new expansion not only do you have new content, you also have a new way to play your class, it’s exciting to me to know that they contantly change

And that’s a good thing. The nostalgia for ‘vanilla’ is hugely over rated. Shit, they done so much since then to improve the game no, you wouldn’t recognize it.

50 cents a day? I can justify it as I have been a constant subscriber since Burning Crusade. I don’t know where else I could get that kind of deal for entertainment. And WoD isn’t my favorite, but it’s not terrible or bother me enough to quit.

And I hope they never leave the sub based system. It tends to keep the

I only wish I liked GW enough to have seen it.

I don’t know how the fight could get spoiled worse that it already was.

Never laugh at a snapping turtle. They will remember.

Also, never smile at a crocodile, never tip your hat and stop to chat awhile, either.

You should have seen the policies his opposition wanted to pass. Then you would know why we all rant owards him.He was better than all the rest by a million miles.

And you are going to see the same thing with Hillary. Once the public starts to pay attention to the orgy of clownish delights going on in the republic

It’s not puzzling to people who have followed politics for more than one day. She’s doing EXACTLY what liberals in the democratic party wanted her to do...move to the left. And now that she does we get goofy assed articles like this, complete with scare quotes, and wondering how in the darnedest heck can a wife

I’d rather stick to subscription based games like WoW.

His boyfriend doesn’t even look embarrassed for him. Gonna be a bit of a fuss on the way home.

I was the same way. never engaged in confrontations if I could at all stop it. Then, I don’t know what happened exactly but suddenly I felt that I hated the feeling of “I wish I would have said ____”, more than any confrontation. As I started to speak my mind my confidence grew...and now I probably confront a little

I agree with the article. Subway is great!

Like, I eat your hate and chew your, like, sophomoric sentence structure.

One big First Worlder problem, right here folks. Not to mention a slow news day.

Meh. Doesn’t look THAT different from some zones already open in WoD. Not that I’m complaining, I can’t wait for the patch to drop. Having said that this is probably my least favorite expansion, but that doesn’t mena i hate it. I juts love the game itself.

Wow. Now that’s a fucking bitch right there.

Noe that's interesting. I wonder if only the upper class could afford such a thing back then. And why was it in a latrine? Whose was it? I love this story.

Excellent. Be nice to visit those old places and also be challenged.

If Gandalf isn't number one there's no use reading the rest of them.