Your opinion is not the opinion of "Everyone else", but nice try.
Your opinion is not the opinion of "Everyone else", but nice try.
Glad I found this out before I bought it. Now I am happy I didn't and won't buy it.
Yeah, I agree. Notre Dame is pretty fucking great.
Un-grey my comments and I will.
I have no idea what this is. I have a vague idea it has something to do with charity maybe? I should go find an actual on-line news site to explain what this is about.
Oh horseshit. Normal well adjusted people do not react like this. This asshole was crazy and from the looks of it also drunk.
Why the fuck can't Anonymous go after these assholes??? This seems right up their ally.
Ok, I know I am out of touch with pop culture when all this time I thought North was a boy.
"As for the long-term fix, we're reintroducing the pending comment system."
I have one. Is it your contention the female strippers are forced to strip or to protest at the church? It seems that at least the females of this story are taking initiative to0 support their rights as well as their employers at the club.
She doesn't need to make sense. Her tea tarded followers will pay $9.95 to watch her take a crap. It's that simple. She could sit on cam and hum and pick her teeth and her ilk will happily send in their $9.95. There are no better grifters than the Palins.
I can't imagine admitting I read mutant ninja turtle comic books, but there ya go.
Oh my, aren't you the sensitive little snowflake.? I suggest you not be a troll if you do not want to be treated like one.
Oh look little GAMESGALORE is innernet stalking me! I'm already taken, GAMESGALORE. Sucking my dick won't help you, sorry.
That's an awful thing to say about your mom.
Yeah. I'm the one being a lil bitch, about it. lol Please post more gifs to show how you were just clowning around, fuckface.
Yeah, like they are actually different, dipshit.
I listen more eagerly to anything on NPR above this tabloid called 'Gawker'. That's for sure.
Holy fuck. If you have something that long to say why the hell would you use twitter?
I'm gay, and she doesn't speak (or write) for me. I love the hets, also, too.