Putin's manboobs do not jiggle in unison when he rides.
Putin's manboobs do not jiggle in unison when he rides.
Dingdingding. You win the internet for the day, Uncle C-C-C-Claudius.
You have zero understanding of 'coming out'. It's not about YOU, asswipe, it's about the gay person.
Ah. So your acceptance of gays is based on whether they irritate you with coming out stories on the web/tv?
I'm gay. If your "support" is based on that go fuck yourself.
That's one gay bear.
How 'bout I just don't watch any of it till it gets to youtube.
Jesus I had no idea what a shitty condition Russia is in. This and their gay bashing fetish, fuck this county. Perestroika my dick, ruskie.
For now, I'll pretend I know what that means.
And I am joking about your writing, it's very good.
Sports Writer's Ego Sent to Intensive Care. Doctors Convene and Determine That Having Last Word May Save Patient.
Obscure Joke Failure Makes Sportswriter Cry In Public. Readers Ask: "Yeah but isn't that normal for a sportswriter?"
Thanks for the apology, Kanye. Stay classy.
Writer Makes Curiously Obscure Joke on Curiously Obscure Website. Goes Back To Sports Writing.
Oh god. He explains in Buzzfeed-ise.
Ok, so far still don't get it. Perhaps you can find a writer to explain.
Yeah. Canada so class-less, aren't they?
Their racist reality show stars, their love of gun violence, their goverment by petulant tantrum, their invasion of counties and the human lives wasted by such invasions, their snarking up and hording all available natural resources. Yeah, no one comes close to Canada is…
Please tell me you're an American who looks down on other countries for not being 'classy'.
"Make eye contact and be polite—no matter how insulting the cops are. ..."
This is where I would be arrested if I did anything that gave cause to arrest me. I cannot fake it, I'd be my worst enemy here. "Have another doughnut, Barney" is gonna get me jailed.
This is good news for the gene pool.
hahaha yeah 'cause gay guys are obsessed with balls and dick and when they get near them they forget what they are doing and stare helplessly at man-crotch unable to tear themselves away even if it's their job cause they're gay and hahahaha they like crotches hehehehehehehehe