
She's one of my favorite characters, so naturally, reading that the author "just caught up" , I'll not read the article. For one thing I don't want spoilers, for another, Gawker's critical reviews are often petty and juvenile and completely unhelpful.

I said it was rare. Very rare. There are more dog attacks on people than there are wolf attacks.

This bothers me more than the legal gathering of information from the telecoms etc.

Anyone to the left of Vlad the Impaler is 'liberal' to the tea tards.

Wolves are one of the last predators to ever attack a human. They just don't.

Plus, we have 'Devil's Night", and you don't.

They invented saws quite a long time ago, dudes.

I couldn't have said it better. You , Sir, are a Happy Meal.

I have a felling you're about 3 fries short of a Happy Meal.

Keep supporting terrorist killing toddlers and beheading people all because you want a plastic Happy Meal.

Yes, people need to wear clothes and buy gas and petroleum products. It's a fact that money goes to the mideast to prop up dictators that kill and torture their people...and support terrorism. They also use the money to fight Amerivcan soldiers, so when you buy gas you are doing a're paying for more


Until you give up your petroleum products that have a direct line to terrorist groups in the mideast, you're an even bigger hypocrite than I thought.

Take your own advice. Stop supporting terrorism.Stop using oil.

There is no evidence of that , whatsoever.

That' s the latest and silliest argument yet against pot smoking. You drug warriors are a hilarious pathetic lot.

Yes, I agree. The War on Drugs is useless and kills many people. I hope it someday ends.

ITMT, I'll spark another one up and not worry about being responsible for other people's abuse of drugs.

I'm 52, been smoking pot since the 70s. If this is slo-mo suicide I highly (get it?)

Yeah us pot smokers don't value life. Cue eye rolling.

Not me. When I was younger I could see the advantages of speed but today, I'd rather chill with some bud or even shrooms. But, meth and it's cousins just grind me down and spread me thin. I feel all 'ginchy' doing it. No, I don't know what that means either. But it seems a good description.

Pot is God's own drug.

I've been on this exercise routine for years and I ain't any skinnier. But, by right bicep is HUGE.