
Actually what's 'creepy' is you focusing on that part of the video.

I think the main story here is not about twatting, but about recognizing your driving can hurt other people, and you need to own up to it if you do.

No. No no no.

No, suggesting outright that nothing entertaining/interesting can happen in a movie contining an aging hero and their grandkids in a Star Wars universe means they have little to no imagination. That's a pretty moronic prediction.

What is this? A Frat website now? Seriously, grow up a little. Or at least get clever.

I would love a movie with Leia as an older Princess now. I love Carrie Fischer anyway.

Finally, comic beefcake. I love it.

It's too bad Dick is one.

I wouldn't call it "best ever" episode but it was interesting. However, I will say this is the most interesting and engaging series, ever. YMMV.

The only way to watch 'Pod People" is to watch it with Joel and the bots.

Agreed. A whole new world in the frozen tundra and they pick Dun Morogh?

Please rewrite this:

I read the fucking article and he says he cannot or will not explain to his kids the difference between tv/video violence and real life. That's completely the OPPOSITE of what a parent should do. Thats how you get thru to kids that violence is not ok and that all those people on tv are not really killing each other

Slag is completely right. The author is saying he cannot tell the difference between reality and video games. Knowing this, I'd say the author has deeper problems than most people realize and maybe video games are not right for him.

"I don't want to explain to my son why daddy is shooting the guys on the television. Why that's okay, but when it happens in real life, people cry."

Jeremy, until you get the help you need to distinguish between real life and video games I commend you for putting them away. I hope you find the counseling that you obviously need.

There is so much I agree with in this article I had to check 3 times to see what website I was at.

Oh this was certainly worth the lost calories to click on this story. Any news on the cheerleader bake sale yet? Or the Chess Club taking second place against Middlebury Middle school?

If Mr Cosmos doesn't learn his lesson then you can bet not being on the interwebz is the least of his worries.

What the hell is a 'mikevirus'?