
Saying that you don’t like a thing constitutes “shitting all over” that thing?

Anti-intellectualism. Smarter people make stupid people feel small and out of control. I’m still convinced that while racism is behind a lot of conservatives hating President Obama, part of it is because he’s coolly intelligent. He’s too smart and inaccessible to them. They’d rather “have a beer” with a good ‘ole boy

you’re right, i’m interesting for so many other reasons

They are too stupid to know they are dumb. In their world, a “lie” is something I don’t understand (which is pretty much everything) and/or don’t agree with. The “truth” is the simple, often hateful, concepts I can wrap my tiny brain around.

Yes, because we all must like all the same things all the time. All the COOL kids like Serial. You wanna be COOL, don't you?

So, I listened to this interview this morning as I was driving, and at one part there’s someone saying something like, “we’re tired of being told we’re bigots,” and I uncontrollably shouted at t e radio “but you are bigots!”It’s like the fear and racism are just pushing all their little internal buttons, trying to

I’ve never understood people who want their elected leaders to be as dumb as they are.

This comment sounds to me like you’re a man and are issuing weight-management instructions to a group of mostly women without having considered the fact that the range of socially validated height-weight ratios for women is much, much, much narrower and lower than the range of socially validated height-weight ratios

Oh, hello, 22.

“our women”

Yeah, I can’t even anymore either.

MRA talking point number one: work that men typically do is important and dangerous and mysterious and the backbone of this country and work that women typically do is frivolous and unnecessary and only for pin money. (See “garden variety sexism”). Your post just illustrated that point.

“They don’t see male teachers, so they don’t see themselves as teachers, so they don’t become teachers. This leads to a classroom where the teacher does not understand or tolerate male behaviors or learning styles.”

The whole idea that men and women are “equal but fundamentally different” is something that misogynists spout off about because they want to ensure that women keep the status quo and don’t fight for more. Their thinking is that if they tell women that they’re just as good as men, we’ll believe it and won’t expect

EVIL women. Trust me on this.

On average male dominated jobs pay more that female dominated jobs, even if the male dominated jobs do not require a college education where the female dominated jobs do. That is, in fact, discrimination at it’s finest, society values the work that men do and devalues the work that women do.

“Girls, stop doing so well in school so that the boys can catch up!”

Or, rather, it’s our own fault we’re succeeding— but it’s not our fault that men are failing and can’t keep up! If boys’re falling behind in school, boo hoo, learn to work hard like a girl.

My brother’s in law didn’t go to college and they make more money than I do with my fancy pants education. They didn’t need to go to college. They got training with a union and and work in the trades making a very good living. They own homes, support families, and have barbeques on the weekends. I, on the other hand,

“Respect for stay-at-home mothers has been poisoned by a toxic combination of the village elders’ war on the traditional family and radical feminism’s misogynistic crusade to make working outside the home the only marker of social value and self-respect.’’