
It’s a fair point. I wasn’t trying to say the comment I was responding to was flat-out wrong, just that it reminds me of the way that her opponents have frequently tried to hurt her by linking her to her Husband’s political career.

The current president went from Lawyer to State Legislator to Senator within the span of 7 years. I’m saying that Hillary could have largely done the same thing in the 8 years she was First Lady.

I’m still not sure I agree. I think that if she weren’t confined for 8 years of her professional prime to a relatively ceremonial role someone with her connections and ambitions would almost certainly have a more impressive resume, not less. She might not have the high profile maybe but again, I think her profile is

Exactly. A husband’s wrongdoings are always the wife’s responsibility, don’t you know. How else?

But once again a woman is having to answer for the actions of a man.

I suppose. I still think it smacks a little bit of not recognizing that Hillary isn’t her Husband and isn’t on the hook for the shitty things he may have done.

Who is calling for quotas? Who is calling for standards to be lowered for women? The Defense Secretary has said that every service member would have to meet the standards of the jobs they wished to fill, and there must be no quotas or perceptions thereof. The women who wish to join certainly aren’t calling for quotas.

Men are stronger on average, yes. Men are taller on average too. In fact, since the average difference in height is 5 inches, one could say men are far taller on average. The average height of a man in America is 5’9. Are there women who are taller than 5’9? Yes. Are there women who are the height that is considered

Smaller and a woman aren’t completely irrelevant. Show me his hospital records before you try excusing him with the “they’re both equal” cop-out.

I’m going to quote this one time, motherfucker, and I hope you can read it here since you obviously didn’t bother to in the piece above:

And my point is that you’re making these women up. First of all, it’s the men in charge that set the standards, not women. Take those issues up with them. Secondly, women are fighting for equal opportunity. No one is arguing that people who aren’t qualified should serve. Quit putting words in our mouths.

There are many ways to behave unprofessionally that don't involve felonies.

And who exactly is proposing lowering the standards? As long as the standards are actually related to something relevant (like loading a tank round) and not bullshit made up to keep women out, no one is going to argue with that. No one worth arguing with anyway.

Exactly! I never hear women saying that they want people to go easy on them in this context because of their gender. These women kick ass and want to earn their positions. This argument is only every used by men who are scrambling to come up with yet another condescending dismissive excuse as to why women shouldn’t be

Except women will be held to the same your argument is invalid

I can respect that it will be difficult. Of course it will be.


I don’t even know how they get through basic training without their uteruses falling out.

And sharks! Land sharks!