
Wubba lubba dub dub!

The Blue Velvet ending was something that immediately came to mind last night and I almost wrote up something about it.

Peteski? As in This isn't happiness, nevver et al? Man, I love your blogs and have been daily amazed by them since, I dont know, 2007...

They are made of frozen CO2, you might be familiar with it as "dry ice".

Now playing

It's basically an updated, more comical take on the original Jonny Quest intro. Like everything else in the show.

Well, I wear glasses, which is a technological innovation that improves my physical body. So, generally, I'm a cyborg.

To be fair to Chi-Chi, she's a lot more sensible in the manga. The anime Flanderized the hell out of her.

People staring at screens the size of a wall, being numbed by mindless RealityTV - Fahrenheit 451

A year later and still nothing... fail

You know what's worse? Dodgers pitching last night.