
Since I might as well name names, Nancy Pelosi offered a friend of mine $20k (before taxes!) for an entry level position. In 2015. My friend could not take it. Some college grad who had monetary help from family did.

I have a friend who made this work as well. She had an apartment close to the Hill for about 1000/mo. or so (with roommates) back in 2010. But her roommates had deep DC connections. I looked for a month and found some cheap options, but there were always 10+ other people interested in the apartments and I sat through

As someone who worked on the Hill after graduating college, it’s not that bad. There are plenty of affordable housing options, you just have to be willing to live with a couple other people at first.

Years ago, I was watching a mastectomy of a transman. The before photo of the nipple was censored but the post-surgery nipple was not. It was the exact same nipple, but less breast tissue and fat behind it, and suddenly it was acceptable to show on TV. -__-

I am sure that you have been wondering what Bruce Springsteen’s thoughts on the 2020 election are and reader, wait no longer: He is pretty sure that Trump is going to win. Sorry!”

My teachers told my mom I was retarded. She hired a psychologist who figured out that I was uh... pretty smart actually*, but that I was fucking deaf and didn’t know what was going on. Oh, did my mom love rubbing their noses in that report.

Graduated from Catholic high school in 1970. Mandatory meeting with guidance counselor, a priest. He asked what I wanted to be. I said a lawyer. His response? Who will want to marry you? My response: Who cares? He kicked me out of his office. Close friend had her meeting with him. Asked her the same question. Her

Now playing

My middle school guidance counselor said I’d never finish high school because I didn't have great grades. Not only did I finish high school AND college, but I have a graduate degree with work experience in all three branches of the federal government. I went ballistic when she and another teacher who bullied me tried

I was also like “hmmm I feel like you don’t know what a compromise is, because I don’t see what the other side is giving up at all.” For a minute I thought maybe everyone was told they can’t have guests, at which I’d be like ehhh that sucks but you idiots were the ones who had a problem with this chick and her

I support Matt Whitaker for Acting US Attorney General.

Ok, THANK YOU with the bad acting. Everyone keeps talking about the great acting and I keep wondering if they saw the same movie that I saw. Although I didn’t hate it, hate it, I only liked the singing parts. I could not get past the marriage. It was so implausible. She *just* flew to Memphis because of his drunk ass,

Don’t know if you read the article, but their modest version of the request was to ask for Mercedes instead of a Rolls. Apparently they received several, which I suppose proves their point.

Am I the only one who hated the movie? I can handle terrible acting. I can handle ridiculously bad dialogue. I can’t handle all that in a boring movie. I was bored to tears. Also found myself laughing at the “serious” moments because they were so damn ridiculous. Only me?

Eh, yes and no. It’s a delicate dance of getting all their worth while also still appearing grateful as these man need to feel like generous kings (barf). They also don’t want to drive the same car as their hooker, so maybe ask for a more common ho-mobile like a G Wagon instead.

Aren’t there security issues with leaving Mel’s aides out of helicopters and hotel rooms? It just seems like this kind of petty bitchery leads to a lot more hassle and risk than it’s worth.

If I were a musician I would not enjoy being on the receiving end of Cardi B’s assessment of my talent.

Point of order: Isn’t the plural technically Cardis B? 

Obviously I don’t really care, because Melania sucks, but I wonder if she and her staff are being treated with the same respect as previous FLOTUS’. It seems they’re not, which is fine because all of these people deserve to be miserable. 

Who will end up with whom at the end of this straight-to-VHS teen drama from the 1980s?

This is interesting. We just flew Delta for the last leg of our honeymoon and my nut-allergic husband had a pretty bad time on the flight. They’d let us select “Nut Allergy” when we made the flight reservations, and then even called him to the gate before boarding to make sure they knew of his allergy. Then a good 35