
the return of the invisible accordion...

Yeah, none of those cuts featured in the article are actually The Rachel. And you’re right, the actual Rachel haircut was a layered nightmare that is too high maintenance for anyone who doesn’t keep a full-time hairstylist on retainer.

WTF is wrong with boot-cut jeans?

Is it going to become a requirement that HBO shows all have an Italian-American man playing twins?

This is kind of beside the point but has anyone else dealt with the scam of drivers accepting rides, not moving at all so you’re forced to cancel and they can get the $5 cancellation fee? It’s happened to me 2-3 times in the past few months and at first, it was like pulling teeth to get them to refund the $5 but now

the part that confuses me is the “(for decades, actually)”. Doe he mean that Democrats have been doing a bad job of this for decades, or does he think he’s been president much longer that he has? 

  • Guess how much experience doing international diplomacy and stuff this woman who might be our next U.N. Ambassador has? No, go ahead! Guess! [Politico]

Really?  A successful and in demand model and the author of a couple of cookbooks doesn’t have enough going on outside of being a wife and mother?  *eyeroll*

Pocahontas (the bad version), sometimes referred to as Elizabeth Warren”

it’s actually only like .001% of all of the terrible stuff he’s done.

Actually, members of Congress sign up for Obamacare plans, and the Government pays a portion (about 75%, I believe) of their premiums.

Everything is garbage.

For the record, I have no financial interests in Saudi Arabia

Lexi Zhorela, a 24-year-old hairdresser who lives in Bismarck, told the Associated Press she was “furious” at her inclusion. As she describes it, she had never meant for her story, which she had previously only shared with a small group of people, to become public.

Again, I think this had something to do with her not properly socializing him. My siblings kids would try to latch-on through my shirt when they were babies and I would hold them, but that’s because they’re freaking babies and my sisters and I have nearly identical voices, etc. Having a walking/talking child attempt

I have a friend who breastfed her son until at least 4 years old. To each her own and all, but I really didn’t appreciate her son constantly trying to put his mouth on my breast if I sat next to him or something. Creepy as fuck. I don’t hang out with her anymore in part because of the way she just does not properly

You guys... this is *frighteningly* close to me. As in, I can’t be more specific than really, really close without straight-up giving my address.

My thoughts exactly, an Olsen twin with a dash of the KKs and, as noted above, Ivanker.

Agreed, he seems to be struggling and need some serious help. And my skin loves the products and I am so glad I can get more...

Oh thank God. I mean, I hope he gets the help he needs but I need to buy more buffet soon.