
Are you referring to his weight gain for Parks and Rec? If so, I don’t think it was the show that required him to be overweight. He said that when his character started gaining popularity he thought people found him funny because he was overweight so he needed to keep that image up.

I absolutely cannot stand it when people sing in public. Or rap...when people start rapping? I want to curl up in a ball and die. It doesn’t matter if they have talent or not, I just want it to stop. If I want to hear someone sing I will pay money to go to a show or watch The Voice or something. I feel secondhand


I have never watched this show, or had an interest in watching it, but for some reason all of the press surrounding this movie is irritating the hell out of me. They all seem like gigantic, arrogant douche-bros. Please go away now, thank you.

Really. It’s pretty self explanatory. Maybe it’s the people who are confused about the chart who are high...


No, I appreciate the advice. I’m currently working with doctors to figure this out so no worries! Thank you so much.

Yes, that would be great. Thank you.

I just read about R.A. - very similar! I don’t have joint redness or warmth though but I will keep that in mind as well. I’m glad yours is under control - it sounds awful. Thank you and I wish you the best too!

Thank you for your reply. I had read that there are lab tests you can get but my doctor hadn’t mentioned it to me. Do you know what the lab tests look for? My thyroid has been tested many times over the years and everything checked out there. I’ve had pain for about three years now that is out of the blue (not caused

Yeah I did because I was using my phone to write that comment and accidentally hit “publish.” I edited it to include my name. I knew that you tweeted at people but I thought you meant to actually message you on there. Doing so now! Thanks.

I really only use Twitter to read other people’s tweets so as a newbie I’m confused about how to message people. I went to your page and couldn’t find an option to do so. My name is @buttersquatchy

About #2: I’m currently in the stages of trying to figure out if I have fibromyalgia with various doctors. Can I ask you what symptoms you have? How’d you find out? Does it run in your family? I’m 30 years old and my mom has it. I’m nervous but am kind of happy because I feel like I’m finally getting an answer to pain

All Australian women should stop using pads or tampons and walk around bleeding on everything and everyone to prove just how necessary these things are. How can they not be necessary?? My god. In the state I live in bottled water and candy are taxed more because they aren’t necessary. I find it shocking that

I tried Vaniqa (it really is so damn expensive) and it gave me the WORST cystic acne. It was painful and awful.

I’m in the same bearded boat as you. I have to shave everyday. I get terribly irritated and lots of ingrowns so I’m going to try that product you mentioned.

I don't really get what the big deal is. The UK version doesn't have the artificial colors in it, and maybe some other countries too, so why does the U.S. version? I avoid processed foods as much as I can and I avoid Kraft because it's plastic garbage so I don't really care either way, but why is this a bad thing? I

I rarely eat it anymore but when I do I melt the butter first as well, but I use sour cream instead of milk. Or plain yogurt. Sooooo good

There is an Annie’s taco one in stores where I live and I think it's really good. It's just taco seasonings added to their regular cheese mix. You could try adding spices to the regular one. Chili powder and other stuff.

I’m from Washington state and the only place I’ve seen in my city that called them “hand-dipped” shakes is this little retro 50s hamburger place. Otherwise I’ve just seen them called “old-fashioned milkshakes” so I’m assuming it is indeed a regional thing.