
I took Effexor at 300 mg for two years and it helped me for the first six months. I had tried so many other drugs and was in a hospital for suicidal ideation when a doctor prescribed Effexor to me or else I would have researched the hell out of it and declined to take it. I understand it works for some people, but it

oranges and tangerines do have calcium by themselves.

Kale, bok choy, turnip greens, almonds, oranges (I think). Also things are fortified with calcium like soy milk or some oatmeal mixes I think. Maybe some cereal. Sardines have calcium too if you're into that sorta thing.

Kale, bok choy, turnip greens, almonds, oranges (I think). Also things are fortified with calcium like soy milk or some oatmeal mixes I think. Maybe some cereal. Sardines have calcium too if you're into that sorta thing.

I was under the impression that some of our founding fathers were deists, not necessarily christian. The whole "our country is founded on christian beliefs" thing is a debated issue. I also thought that a couple of them were more or less atheists. I would look for sources to this but I'm on my phone and that sounds

She was bullied in middle or high school to the point where she contemplated suicide.

Ah, good to know. However, I thought I had read that they wouldn't have been able to pursue being recognized as a church if they didn't have as many people in their family as they do. If their family was smaller they would need outsiders attending mass at their house in order to be seen as a church. Maybe I'm mistaken

Not to mention that they are completely tax exempt because their household can be considered a church because of how many people are in their family.

You are an angry little twit, aren't you? As a gay person I've been discriminated against more for being asexual than being gay because I live in a tolerant state when it comes to gay rights. But how about you take your ignorance and ego and go fuck yourself with it? I'm not even interested in defending myself because

A stands for asexual. As an asexual I am surprised it's included. I'm in an asexual gay marriage with a sexual person. When the fact that I'm an asexual comes up (which is honestly very rare because it's no ones damn business), most people have no idea what that even means. So... I'm surprised it would be included in

First things first: I'm sorry you're having to deal with that. Secondly: if you aren't dependent on her for any reason, step back and seriously think about if it's worth it to have her in your life.

Princess Bride, Frozen, Casablanca, Gone with the Wind, any western. A movie that I wish was on that list is Rocky Horror Picture Show.

I can't stand RHPS! Thank you for making me feel not so alone in this world.

Avgolemeno is the BEST soup. I can't even believe it's not listed.