
Keep telling yourself that as you still believe in a racist religion that disrespects thousands of native americans that I know....keep being a terrible person all you want on your "path" on the only life you get....

Way to show that you are weak and scared.....

You're not a scientist, you study a science, but a scientist that does not make you...You seem to lack the fundamental understanding of scientific method which is to testing for verification.Check you religion against history, anthropology, and archaeology, and if you are actually a scientist you will test you

Thats because you are unfamiliar with astronomy, geology, environmental science, chemistry, physics, botany, and addition, if you had taken ONE archaeology class or anthropology class over the people of North America you wouldn't be a mormon....Just because you don't know much about the world or the

I had been fairly ambivalent about Cumberbatch as Dr. Strange. This sealed the deal. NOOOOOOOOOOOO GOD NOOOOOOO WHYYYYYYY.

"The inhabitants of the moon are more of a uniform size than the inhabitants of the earth, being about six feet in height. They dress very much like the Quaker style and are quite general in style or the one fashion of dress. They live to be very old; coming generally, near a thousand years".

I know he doesn't 1:1 looking him, but I think BC would be a great Sandman, actually.

good thing your religion is dying and we wont have to worry about you holding back humanity much longer :D

It was still completed. How many of the 'Biblical prophecies' have come true when they were supposed to? Never.

I'm just playing devil's advocate, I don't believe in anything anymore. No prophecy or religion is true.

Not a single word I said isn't public truth. Religion is fraud and mental illness, and libertarians are sociopaths, anarchists, and destroying the entire world with their crazy. I don't hate Mormons because I'm from a competing religion. I hate Mormons because their actions are directly harmful to the rest of

Yes, what *do* traditional writings about Zeus have to say about extraterrestrial life?

I think its somewhat arrogant and mentally ill to imagine that all sentient life in the Universe needs "saving" and to project our extremely vivid myths about our salvation onto other worlds


Why Christ came to this earth rather than some other planet is that according to revelation, Earth is the only planet in which the people were wicked enough to actually kill him.

Actually the far West temple was completed and there was the temple in Nauvoo.

The D&C isn't considered official 'doctrine' as it has been heavily, HEAVILY changed since it was first published. The D&C was more JS telling mormons the original doctrine and 'revelations' that he had. Now, mostly what remains is just the

I fully allow in my scenario for you to be proven correct. But the question at the heart of any debate on religion is "What proof/argument would you need to abandon/change your religious beliefs?" The stumbling block of the debate is when one side says "There is nothing that would make me change or abandon my

There is also the fact that his theology is batshit crazy - and based entirely on conjecture divorced from physical sciences. Of course that could be said of most religions - including nearly the whole of Christianity - so Mormons are not unique in this regard, their theology is just much younger so their traditions

Mormonism isn't a religion it's a cult. They don't believe in Jesus - their religion stands in direct contradition to the bible (i'm an atheist btw) - they believe in Joseph Smith, a convicted fraud.