
But...but...the emergency room is ALWAYS open....and countries with Terrorists in them need bombing NOW!!!

Seriously though....1.3 trillion dollars to make a fucking fighter jet and most people I know still cant even get healthcare in America...(thanks republicans of texas)

Mr. Moonie and I had this talk the other night. I've been reading a lot of interviews with parents of serial killers and school shooters, and their pain makes me want to cry. I would do my best but sometimes people just turn out that way. I have a friend from childhood who is a wonderful, strong, incredibly loving

That's a whole lotta narcissism, don't you think?

atheists don't do this type of shit.

so anyone can be a sniper now?

As long as it was a legit service animal she should have had the paperwork on him. My friend has an emotional support service dog and she carries his papers everywhere with her. I was wondering that as well though, like, why she didn't just take the papers out and show them to the employee but she was embarrassed and

Certified for what? Does the dog conduct therapy sessions? It's a dog. Naturally, it's a good companion. I say that my Boxer is a good companion to help me deal with my PTSD.

This may come off as crass but does everyone from the marathon get a free pass for life to be rude? The manager apologized and the girl verbally berated him for it and then ran to the newspaper, channel 5 news etc... Not exactly an endearing story.

She said, 'I'm sorry.' And I said, 'That's not good enough. You should have known,'" Celeste said. "You just made someone with an emotional disorder so much worse."

This manager sounds like an asshole, but was there certification that the dog was a service animal? I ask because, I worked at a coffee shop and every Saturday this lady would come in with her dog. In NYC dogs are not allowed in any kind of eatery and if a person working for the health department came in for a

I was diagnosed with PTSD, and I had NO idea that this was an option. I will now start bringing my Boxer to work with me and calling him a service dog.

"She said, 'I'm sorry.' And I said, 'That's not good enough. You should have known,'" Celeste said. "You just made someone with an emotional disorder so much worse."


Because I heard someone bust down my door over headphones and thought it may be wise to grab a knife/weapon?? What do you plan to do when someone (you have no idea it's police) breaks into your home, continue playing games and ignore them until they go away? - Good luck with that.

And depressingly, if your reaction to a bunch of armed men storming your home is to defend yourself a great many people will say you deserved to die.

Prediction: This is going to get someone killed and someone else put in jail for a long time soon.

Probably not the best time to have "TERRORISTS WIN" on your screen..

[gets tattoo to express self to outside world]

[gets upset at outside world for listening]