
Looking for a way to weed out the shitty men in the world? Open a door for all of them and write off the weirdos who are freaked out by that.

I have a friend who can only orgasm while jacking off to porn. When he has sex with a real live lady he fakes it after she gets off, rips the condom off and flushes it before she can see there's nothing there. I don't know if that's addiction or what but I do know its really effing sad.

Scandinavian countries have such better justice systems than basically anywhere else in the world. They give prisoners laxer sentences and they experience much less crime. Keep your vengeful attitude to yourself and actually think please!!

I'll fight Zimmerman for $50 and bus fare.

Despite not being in any sort of physical danger, Zimmerman still plans to shoot DMX.

The thing is that in this day in age with how long gaming has been around now. You're gonna have long time 40 to 50 year old gamers. I'm a 41 year old gamer. I've been gaming since I was 5.

Dr. Pullen? At Mercer? He gave us this yesterday lol.

Excellent. Mother Teresa is going to get the full St. Ronnie Reagan treatment. A slobberfest aimed at ensuring her beatification and eventual sainthood, by editing out all of the questionable aspects of her life.

Pretty sure her cozy relationship with the Duvalier's in Haiti won't be discussed. Unlikely that the fate

Terminal cancer patients in her hospital were denied pain meds. She was a fucking ghoul.

Honestly people, anyone who hasn't either seen this short film or read The Missionary Position and thinks that Mother Theresa was a wonderful person, please watch.

Her charity was and is directly involved in the perpetuation of poverty. And it isn't even accidental. She believed that poverty and suffering were ennobling, and ensured their victims a place in heaven.

I know people don't want to hear it, but as an opponent of birth control, she - and the rest of the Catholic Church - is directly responsible for most of the poverty in the world. I wonder if this biopic will even mention that immensely relevant FACT.

The point is that using the bible as a guide for how we ought to run our government is stupid, because the bible is often shitty and violent. And by highlighting the sheer brutality of the bible with a visual aid, she's demonstrating how arbitrary bible thumpers are about what they choose to follow from it.

Niiiice. I always like to see the "Old Testament Christians" get taken down. Their bullshit irks me in every possible way. That they're using bad theology (hey guys,"New Covenant" ringing any bells?) purely as an excuse for their bigotry is pretty damn obvious. A.J. Jacobs showed with his book, The Year of Living

Oh did that woman just totally call the religious right out on their bullshit?

See, this is why it never pays to write off entire regions based on their representation at the federal level. Some of the toughest, smartest queer people I know are from what the uninitiate would consider the full-on "Deliverance" South. Between this and those two ridiculously fucking cute dads doing their daughters'

I like how it's called the Fairness Ordinance. It takes real stones to come out and say you are against FAIRNESS.

Now they can have over 200 draugrs on screen at once! Your draugr killing days are far from over.

Thanks to Canada failing to sufficiently warm up a big blanket of freezing air descending southward from the Arctic,