We're already a blue state, we just have 21 percent voter turn out :/
We're already a blue state, we just have 21 percent voter turn out :/
In Europe you get nearly a year of paid maternity leave....hahahaha
Yes they are....
No you cant, plus you are slowly poisoning yourself through rubbing chemicals on your orifaces....enjoy butthole cancer
Beyonce and Gwyneth Paltrow are almost the same blonde haired white woman.....
Can I get penis enlargement to ridiculous proportions like boobjobs?! I want my junk size to make everyone scared or really uncomfortable everywhere I go....
Really Tell Me MORE!!!!!
I <3 U
I wouldnt call a small amount of extremist a "boom" per se, Islam is the only real grower of religious followers in Europe and thats mainly from immigration....Although that typically does drop off very fast too, all around religion will be mostly absent within 30 to 40 years everywhere if 5%+ Decline per 5 years…
Because it describes a point of view? DERRRPPPPPPPPPP
were around* religion is mostly gone from Switzerland =]
At least switzerland is using those building for something good now that christianity is almost dead...
a quick google search would show you that only 46% of households pay for any type of subscription and that rate is dropping rapidly http://www.mrgco.com/blog/cable-vs-…
dude more than 25% of the country is children you might want to re-check your retarded stats...
You need a cable provider? The 1990's called, they want you to have a subscription to media....
Can it be a movie where someone that can actually act and look like Black Widow kills the chick currently playing her? Because we are all tired of really good comic hero spots being filled by terrible people...
hes the dude from linkin park....the bay area sounds real gay dawg...
thats not actually him btw.....
He was really big in the 70s with the selfish gene.....but since then so much evolutionary anthropology has happened it almost seems quaint to read about it now lol
thats not a real account LOL