
Hey this week in music news...."more talentless people put out shit music, and real talented people are working low pay jobs on the side to support their passions"...

Still can't get healthcare in Texas, we have more than 60% uninsured...

Lets see it takes about as long as driving to the doctors office retard.....Way to show how stupid you are...

The only one that even has half a chance of getting laid in the future is the redhead, and something tells me daddy already beat everyone to the punch...

theres nearly 20 times that amount

There are nearly 2 million words in the english language.. so....fucking fail

all the hilarious yes......YES YES YES hahaha....


Anybody else get hungry from reading the headline?

I was joking anyway , and Hey! Stephen Colbert is my attorney at heart!

Are these games in any way like Harvey Birdman: Attorney at law?

Yeahhh I'm pretty sure this is more than the start to her children forever hating

If I had a dollar for everytime a kid had to take the backlash of some dumb shit their parents did...I would have sooooo many dollars....

Mannnn she's gonna get her kids so beat up and/or rape-murdered.....


thats how hot it is at night in texas :P

People in texas wear pants when its 105 outside....But to be fair I got in trouble ALLLLLLL the time in highschool for having holes in my clothes, should have seen their faces when I would scream "i only own two pairs of clothes! way to pick on poor people you rich middle class fucks"...

Well if it makes you feel any better he'll be subjected to slave labor! So, not really free, more like indentured servitude...

What do you expect from christians? nothing more, nothing less lol

Guys with obsessions about their there anything more sad?