This perpetuates the myth that women can a. Cook b. Have a sex drive c. Do anything related to cleaning...organization..or caring...d. women care about anyone but themselves....we all know women dont do anything of the above listed article ever...
This perpetuates the myth that women can a. Cook b. Have a sex drive c. Do anything related to cleaning...organization..or caring...d. women care about anyone but themselves....we all know women dont do anything of the above listed article ever...
And then someone ruined the tournament by winning grand champion with a gametag of BabyDeathPunchPwn or PreggoGUTDUMP...something offensive..
But what of womens biology? I can smoke , then eat bacon wrapped pecan pie chicken , deep fried in butter with waffle batter, and lose weight( im 26) gf...not so much...munching takes alot out of her...shit i ate 2 whole pecan pies before bed last night(1000+ calories) and i wake up hungry...
Why no first person shooters of the French and Indian wars? The Hundred Year War? The Conquest on Teotihuacan??? Pizzarro Conquers the Inca? King Kamehahameaahdjskahdbwjkakhd Hawiian rise to power?!?!? The Maori Wars(prebritish colonization) Yaxunah vs Chichen Itza Maya Throwdown Spectacular?!?!?
Hah...all the booty shorts in the world won't stop her from banging every dude she meets when this chump sends her off to college and pays for everything....
Yeah here in Texas we can actually still smoke in bars in most cities....I love it...but I hate it so much too....The bars that don't allow smoking at the ones you don't want to go to...but unless you're on a patio the whole night smoking the bars are a sinus hell dungeon of EYEBURN....
Good...I like to see my bitch feel pain....(thats you)....=]
Does the truth hurt?
Camel, Malboro, American Spirits, Pall Mall etc all have people that walk around with coupon bags! I even run into them at gas stations now...had to stop giving away free packs because of some new law last year...
Can we do equally graphic commercials to make religion stop? Show a shitload of 60+ year old men wedding children, christians hanging african americans, suicide bomber videos, different fundamental relgious people saying scientifically retarded phrases, and people speaking in tongues....maybe end it with a mormon…
I just wish these were stop people being religious ads, wayyyyy more harmful....
Meanwhile, EVERY cigarette producer gives out 2 packs for 2 bucks , or 1 dollar packs at pretty much EVERY younger people(Under 30) don't have the tolerance for commercials or untorrented media...
What is the obsession with ugly pop stars? ANY college aged party in america one will find a girl that looks like her, and then millions more hotter that will sleep with just about anyone....I want to be dazzled!!!
Hmmm soooo I could sell my super human ability to stay skinny no matter what i game ...lets start the bidding at 25$!!!! Do i hear 25$?!?
Ugh studies such as these are so anecdotal and based on western classifications of "gay"....The culture that one lives in, the experiences and opportunities during a person's life, mixed with a pretty standard across the board biology and luck(or misfortune) are what determine ALL sexualities...or lack of....come on…
Dead island and its sequal was one of the funnest games out there, if you had 3 friends to play with....this game is going to be so awesome!!!
Hah...thanks to their mom they just ended the Hall lineage...those kids aren't ever going to get laid....
I know what I'm getting my girlfriend for Valentine's day :]