
It’s only going to keep getting worse

It’s AFC North football, it’s smashmouth, it’s brutal, it’s old school.

Rhythmic Weightlifting.

The country could use a new sport that somehow recognizes brute strength and athletic grace by the same measures that football does without the absurd violence. Someone come up with something.

Good link:

The hit on Brown — who caught the damn ball — in the endzone in the fourth quarter was sickening. Dude couldn’t register the celebration dance.

I completely agree that Gronk was worse, but this was also really bad. For me, it was more that we got both of these cases in two days than which one was worse.

Oh I’m not defending the Bengals game at all, they made some ridiculous errors in that second half. It’s just that it didn’t really feel that the Steelers were that much better, they just seemed to get help from the refs at a couple of crucial points of the game.

I was listening to the Westwood One radio feed of the game, Boomer Esiason was on color. He seemed to blame the Bengals for undisciplined play more than anything else, they really did give it away.

There was a moment when the commentary flat out stated that they did not know what it now took to get ejected from the game which hit on such a truth to me.

I was baffled in how we could have such a brutal, ugly game while simultanously having so many questionable ref calls. And while there is a lot things to mock the Bengals defense for, especially when they stopped trying to tackle Bell before that TD, I also feel that there is legitimate reasons for Bengals fans to be

Hell being a Thursday Night Football game with the Dolphins vs Ravens

This was the quintessential “we’re all going to burn in hell for liking football” game.

Patrick Ewwwwing amirite?

I wish my dad had been told there was a trick for this. Could have saved me a lot of surgeries.

I set the over/under at 7pm tonight that I break my ankle trying this over and over again.

Somewhere in alabama roy moore both messed his pants AND declared this video some sort of commie, illegal immigrant witchcraft.

suck on the larger opening

Or, perhaps a little less aggressive (and less than $5), a bulb syringe aspirator: