
Massholes voted Hillary over Bernie fwiw


This comment is pretty much why you are all hated.

You seriously think that was dirty? What else was Stewart supposed to do after Cooper dropped his head down to the level of Stewart’s elbow? But then again, you think PI is an indication a team is playing dirty so it is pretty clear you have no clue what you are talking about.

If you’re a WR you have a choice to not actually catch a dangerous ball. A lot of coaches need to pick up on the head safety instruction of imagining that there is a brick wall waiting for you. If you have to go for a ball that will leave you mangled if you hit the wall then you let it go. The QB is responsible for

Too bad your Pats fandom requires you to love Donald Trump.

Broncos are playing dirty now. In addition to that hit, they were flagged for 2 facemasks and a pass interference - all on the same drive.

LOL why does he keep bringing the chain!!?!?!?
That chain of his is Talib’s spinach, lol
They could be 80 years old, Crabtree dead in his casket, Talib about to pay respects, but when he sees it: “Nope, can’t have that!”

Good eye! Didn’t catch this when I saw it happen. Talib is truly a next level shithead.

Sincerely, a life-long Broncos fan.

Cool, he matches his logo.

It’s almost as if the Chiefs looking like a juggernaut and blowing out the Patriots early in the season doesn’t mean what the experts think it means.

That explains it. I was just watching that and trying to figure out why Crabtree just exploded in such a way, but I guess that was the trigger.

Yup. Fuck that guy.

Hey, it’s hard to keep focused on playcalling as a head coach when you’ve got a full turkey covered in buffalo sauce waiting for you on the bus.

He is, but I don’t know how that’s relevant to a fight Michael Crabtree started.

Green understandably caught a lot of flak for the nut-kicking in the 2016 playoffs, but when was the last he was involved in an egregiously dirty play?

Talib is 2/2 on ripping Crabtree’s chain off...

In the end, both players were asked talib the stadium.

Watching all of those impotent yellow flags flying into the air is really the highlight of this clip for me.

What kind of a moran throws a punch at a guy with a footbaw helmet on?